
I haven't tried that specific amp, but I've played all kinds of Carvin guitars, basses, cabs and amps, and all their stuff is decent to damn near top notch.

I don't think you could go wrong with them, and their prices are great too. :)
I fully support Carvin gear. It is exactly as Xenophobe says. In fact, I'm addicted to Carvin guitars. All their amps are top notch as well. For the price, Carvin can't be beat.
The Carvin Legacy head that is on sale for 700 (full tube) sounds worlds better than Marshall JCM 2000 or Mesa Boogie Solo heads.

There guitars are so amazing, and at such a good price, what you would pay for a Ibanez guitar with a bold neck and low quality electronics, you will pay for a neck thru carvin with there own pick ups that sound realy good!
Originally posted by paddok
How do carvin guitars do for metal ?

Just as well as any other axe I'd guess. I mean, you see people play metal on everything from Jacksons to Fenders. The things is, most metal guitarists change the pickups regardless of what guitar they're buying, since that component is pretty crucial to a good metal sound.

I've never actually played a Carvin though.

Carvins are great for metal... They're probably somewhere comparable to Ibanez and Jackson, and ALL of their guitars are custom orders.
Carvin's are great for metal. The good thing about them is that you can pick which wood you want, pickups, neck-thru or bolt-on, active or passive electronics, and all kinds of other things.
If Carvin makes anything not worth twice as much as they sell it for, I'll eat my own poop.

There are tons of good reviews on Carvin guitars and basses. I'd suggest hunting some down to see if they are what you're looking for.
I play a Carvin DC747c and it's a pretty serious guitar. I play progmetal and fusion and it covers both really well (with the stock pickups). It's kinda weird not playin' before buyin' but it was worth it. Nothing but good things to say.