Cassettes are hip again!!!

No worries Jeff.....

I also found the following:
Metallica - Garage Days Re-Revisited
Metallica - Creeping Death (Music for Nations w/ Am I Evil? / Blitzkrieg)
Iron Maiden - Maiden Japan
Bob is so kvlt, he is ANTI-KVLT!

I can't stand when people spell cult kvlt, how fuckin stupid. Those same douchbags are the same kind of people who would make smart ass comments about hip hop lingo and stuff like that. You just can't help rolling your eyes at their dumbass separatist mentally, but I guess it if makes them feel better about their lame identities.
I can't stand when people spell cult kvlt, how fuckin stupid. Those same douchbags are the same kind of people who would make smart ass comments about hip hop lingo and stuff like that. You just can't help rolling your eyes at their dumbass separatist mentally, but I guess it if makes them feel better about their lame identities.

You can't spell CRAP without RAP!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!
You can't spell CRAP without RAP!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!

so clever, I bet you are one who uses kvlt right?:lol:
I love seeing people diss rap and hip hop it is amusing, certainly considering that hip hop was the last original thing to ever come out of popular western music. Oh and let's not forget that hip hop has also developed it's own culture over the past three decades +, spreading all over the world, which as many facets and sub-genres as heavy metal.
I personal believe that people who diss rap and in turn hip hop so much calling it such as "crap" are often not only ignorant of it but are perhaps a bit jealous of it. I have never understood why on either; first of all it is just interesting to know how any form of western music and the subculture surrounding it has developed, secondly if some people don't like, aren't into it, and know nothing about it then why even comment on it? Are these guys threaten? I always thought similar things when people would rag on boy groups and stuff like that, what is the point they have always been around and it is not like they threaten rock n roll- well maybe Pat Boone did.
There is no way one can say rap is "crap" without saying they are a fucking idiot. Sure some rap is totally terrible, but so is Mayhem , the Sex Pistols, and countless other bands I can think of. That is not to say bands like the Pistols were groundbreaking and needed at the name, but so was N.W.A.
You know thinking back; out of all the people I know who were into metal or punk stuff and those into hip hop it seems those into hip hop were always more accepting of the other.
I hate hip hop and rap. I hate the culture that it broods. I hate the music and how it sounds. I am not ignorant. I like what I like and hate what I hate. It is huge, it is a part of our culture now. Doesn't mean I should have to like it or accept it. There are lots of forms of music that I may be not into but I can tell a good song or a bad song or if someone has talent. Just can't get into it.
I hate hip hop and rap. I hate the culture that it broods. I hate the music and how it sounds. I am not ignorant. I like what I like and hate what I hate. It is huge, it is a part of our culture now. Doesn't mean I should have to like it or accept it. There are lots of forms of music that I may be not into but I can tell a good song or a bad song or if someone has talent. Just can't get into it.

Liking and disliking have absolutely nothing to do with ignorance here.
Also I never said I was a fan but I can be objective about it and recognize it for what it is. Or I could just bash it along with a bunch of metal guys with a Beavis and Butthead mentality. As for accepting it; well Bob I don't think that matters because it is real, it is here, and it is not going away.
Well personally I find interest in popular music in general, if I narrowed that to just heavy metal not only would that be extremely limiting but it would get boring really fast.
Never thought Jeremy would be the one to defend hip hop and rap. While yes theoretically the newest form of music, my issue is I just don't believe it to be music really. It's dumb downed poetry. When I hear some stuff off hand, there is the occasional song I can consider to be music but generally it's repetitive with no real emotion or ingenuity to it. As with Bob, I also hate the culture it has created for the most part, and no I'm not racist at all, it just appears they treat gangsters as musicians with it.