Cassettes are hip again!!!

I missed the intelligent conversation that was going on...I was looking at the finger pointing belittling comments you were making about metal fans and people who are not into rap / hip hop culture as racist or not culturely aware.

You love going back to the limited cassette thing like it bothers me...i could care less and I am the one person who bashes cassettes all the time. You love to bash the traditional metal fan but these are the folks who will support your label and buy your merch...why would you want to insult them? Sure there is a lot to say about people jumping in on the bandwagon and trying to hard...we all see it and know it. Any smart business man would know how to use that for their advantage.

You miss a lot of points don't you? And Bob if my stupid generalizing doesn't include you and you feel that it doesn't then you need not get offended by it. Think that is more your issue then my.
It has always been this way; Elvis did not write a lot of his material, most of the biggest Motown singles were not written by the people who preformed them,and it goes on.
Oh yeah I'm aware. Tin Pan Alley, anyone? You had songwriters, sometimes a separate lyricist and then the performers. Not to mention the books filled with jazz standards and Broadway hits that have writing credits to one or two guys.

I'm more or less with you on this one Jeremy, at least as far as the hip-hop discussion goes. I mean, I don't really care for much rap or hip-hop music especially the modern mainstream component of it, but it came from something very real and if you cared enough to do it, you could sift through the trash and find something worthwhile. But if you just hate the sound of hip-hop, then I won't blame a guy for not bothering. I'd be surprised if people here hated urban music based on something so retarded as racial tensions. Gotta give these clowns a little bit of credit, at least ;)
Oh yeah I'm aware. Tin Pan Alley, anyone? You had songwriters, sometimes a separate lyricist and then the performers. Not to mention the books filled with jazz standards and Broadway hits that have writing credits to one or two guys.

I'm more or less with you on this one Jeremy, at least as far as the hip-hop discussion goes. I mean, I don't really care for much rap or hip-hop music especially the modern mainstream component of it, but it came from something very real and if you cared enough to do it, you could sift through the trash and find something worthwhile. But if you just hate the sound of hip-hop, then I won't blame a guy for not bothering. I'd be surprised if people here hated urban music based on something so retarded as racial tensions. Gotta give these clowns a little bit of credit, at least ;)

i wasn't saying people here (in this forum) dislike it for racial reasons, I was suggesting that is a reason people in general had such a hard time accepting it. It was the same way with jazz, and it was the same way with rock n roll until Elvis made it safe for white folk, and that even took a little while.
People in this forum don't like it because they are into metal and must don't stray to far from that which is fine, kind of narrow but fine. I myself have to turn of the heavy metal every now and then and maybe flip to some Curtis Mayfield.;)
Well, I have a lot more to be accountable and remember on a daily basis than you do Bobby Boo.

The only thing on your calendar is which band you have to go see this week.

So speaking of memory, that's something you fail to remember all the time.

But yes, I fully admit that my memory has slipped in recent years, but the amount of crap I am accountable increases every year, so it certainly makes sense.
Well, I have a lot more to be accountable and remember on a daily basis than you do Bobby Boo.

The only thing on your calendar is which band you have to go see this week.

So speaking of memory, that's something you fail to remember all the time.

But yes, I fully admit that my memory has slipped in recent years, but the amount of crap I am accountable increases every year, so it certainly makes sense.

sorry isnt about that you have more to is just about basic things you forget. Also don't play the family card and you have more going on.

I have a full time job as well with just as many things I have to be accountable for as well along with personal stuff and family stuff. Memory is more than that my good man. There are basic conversations you forget you had or things you have said. It isn't a big deal it is just funny sometimes. Your memory is old school cassette my good man.