Catching Danzig TONIGHT!


The Devil Wears Maiden
Apr 18, 2004
Hey gang,

Hope you all had good Holidays! I am very excited about the gig tonight @ The Key Club-Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood! This is a VERY small venue and it is truly a treat to be able to hold tickets to see Danzig there! He usually plays 2,000 + capacity venues and this club holds about 400-500 people! :OMG: Perhaps even less... anyway, enough with my ramblings... for those interested I'll be posting a review of the show this weekend... I would do it tomorrow but I am also catching Danzig @ The Wilterng for tomorrow's show :dopey:
Hopefully he will be able to do a proper tour of the US early next year, I feel badly for the fans that got left out :erk:
I never was a big Danzig fan, but I'm sure they sound very powerful live. It's that kinda band I don't like that much on CD, but I think live they must kick ass. Let us know!
he got knocked out by joe elliot?i thought glenn was supposed to be a hard nut?i remember seeing a vid of him going on about how he thought he was like wolverine,and with all those muscles too.
must have a real glass jaw.

respect to joe be fair,you'd tend not to fuck with guys from sheffield,its a pretty tough place.
I cant Judge a man by his Ability or lack there of to fight ... I mean hell I couldnt fight my way out of a wet paper bag ... I like Blandzig for the music and couldnt care less that all the steroids in the world couldnt make him a toughass :loco: I hope you enjoy both shows Pab!
sixxswine said:
Well Glenn has hit the ground more times than a $20.00 whore.
He first got knocked out by Joe Elliot of Leppard & since has be laid
out on the carpet by about two or three other musicians...:tickled:

This can't be true! That's funny as hell! I can just picture Glenn's ass hitting the floor! LOL

Who would have every thought that the singer behind such putrid garbage as "love bites" or "Make Love Like a Man" would ever lift a hand to throw a punch!!! :Spin:
SoundMaster said:
This can't be true! That's funny as hell! I can just picture Glenn's ass hitting the floor! LOL

Who would have every thought that the singer behind such putrid garbage as "love bites" or "Make Love Like a Man" would ever lift a hand to throw a punch!!! :Spin:

Don't forget Pour some Sugar on Me LOL :tickled: plus they say the British have very bad teeth so i guess Joe thought he had nothin to lose if Glenn knocked the rest of his teeth out lol ... :loco: A Celebrity Death Match on MTV between those 2 would of been funny to watch lol .. :headbang:
baldyboy said:
enjoy that show,i saw him last year in london,it was good.
remember the first time i saw danzig,supporting metallica on the and justice tour.they rocked then,big time.
hope its a fun show pabla.

Man i saw metallica like 3 times on that tour and neither show (1988 at nassau coliseum in Long Island New york) Danzig opened up.. would of loved to see them/him in their prime.. i think that is when the first Danzig album came out.. ive always been a fan of Danzig's first 3 or 4 albums... i have their new one but need to listen to it more to sink in i suppose... :erk:
i think they only opened on the european dates,which is fine for me living near london!

btw,we dont all have bad teeth-and to be honest,with the millions that mr elliot had at his disposal,i'm assuming he could have got his fixed if they were bad!!
JonnyD said:
She will as soon as she can I'm sure .... is the suspense killin ya yet buddy!

I chatted with Pabla.. she said she a little under the blue... cold or something... Baldy that is just the perception americans have of british i meant no offense lol .. as for Joe using his millions.. ive seen rich rock stars with really bad teeth... they just dont care... I think Lemmy comes to mind...