dogs are stupid and completely dependant on humans. they are WEAK! theyre also way too loud and annoying. i want to kick the shit out of my moms dog everytime it barks

cats are independent, but still affectionate (sp?) as a pet. theyre also easier to clean up after (especially if they are an outdoor cat, which means you DONT clean up after them). they arent loud either. and theyre just better in general!


Dogs: Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy your home. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy food. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy you looked at me. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy it's a toy. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy the door is open.

Dogs are way too dependant. I don't like friends that are like that, and I don't like dogs.

Cat's are cool and are more like friends than dogs. Dogs are like lonely friedns who need you. Cats are like independant friends.

Pound for pound cats are WAY more fierce than dogs. They will rip a dog to shreds.
You dont have to walk cats, they dont bark, they dont slobber all over you, they dont smell, etc.

dogs are stupid and completely dependant on humans. they are WEAK! theyre also way too loud and annoying.


Cats are way more metal than dogs, btw. They're independent and asocial, just like Satan. :kickass: Plus, they're pretty much just as deadly pound-for-pound as dogs are (i.e. a leopard or cheetah will rip you apart just as much as a wolf will). And cats are also stealthy, which dogs most certainly aren't.
Another string to Hubster's lameness bow.

Cats are so obviously better.



Cats are way more metal than dogs, btw. They're independent and asocial, just like Satan. :kickass:

We used to have a cat a long time ago. Her independence brought us nothing but discomfort.She scratched us mercilessly and incessantly, refused to use the sandbox, shat inside shoes (burnt a boot right through with her diarrhea once), loved to make long jumps from high places inside the apartment onto your head when you were least prepared for it.
There was one time when she snuck into our neighbors' bedroom across the balcony at night and decided to take a nap in their bed. When they discovered something furry under their feet, they were terrified shitless and flung her outside the window from the 3rd floor.
Ah, those were the times. Which is why I prefer dogs. Mine loves playing with kittens outside and almost completely shuns other dogs(yea, I know weird)
My cat was dependant on everyone in the family for food, mostly because everyone but me would listen/give in to her. When the little fuck meowed at me, all I did was meow back.