Cattle Chasers for Hire!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This is my dog (Cayenne) and me getting ready to chase some cows. I strapped the laundry basket on to haul her to the pasture, and then she jumps off and goes to work. She doesn't have any cattle dog breed in her, but she is catching on pretty well. Plus, she's not even a year old.

Damn she looks fierce!


last night i had a dream that i was raising small animals in a fishtank, including miniature elephants, a very small cat, and one other animal that i don't remember.

i guess what i'm asking is was cayenne birthed from a fish tank? it might've been her i dreamt about.
i think you dreamt about your signature pic NAD

and that is a sweet looking ranch Nate !!!
The funny thing is that just last night she crawled into my lap and fell asleep. She hasn't done that in like 6 months. She weighs about 50 lbs. now . . . in the picture where she's on my chest she weighed about 8 lbs.
Nice trucks. Looks like my Dad's, but ours has a HUGE grill guard on the front. Interestingly enough, rounding up cattle on horseback up in the mountains is something my Dad does a lot to help people out around here. I think I'll start to join him in doing that more as well, riding horses is a lot of fun.

If you need any hay hauled, call me up. :tickled: That was what I spent this afternoon doing.
that is a really nice place Nate ...

chances are if ever shit goes down in the country you will be one of the few to make it :loco:
and like the refugees in NO ... we're coming over! :lol:
