The obligatory, "Hi I'm So-and-so" schpiel:
I'm Cyni, I'm a 21-year-old femme from Vermont. I've been listening to one variation of metal or another since I was about 5-ish (thanks to my older brother). Back then, I pretty much listened to whatever my brother had at the time, which was mostly Ozzy, Pantera, and Megadeth. Since then, my tastes have grown and changed quite a bit. I've gone through black/death metal phases, power/prog metal phases, thrash/grind phases, and so on and so forth. Generally, I tend to lean more towards thrash, power, prog and groove stuff these days, with a smattering of random hardcore bands thrown in for good measure.
I'm not really one of those people who strives to stay current with what's new and groundbreaking or whatever. I'm not one of those people that brags about having heard a band two years ago that no one else had ever heard of until just last week. I could care less when anyone else started listening to a particular band, and I could care less whether or not anyone else likes the same bands I do. I'm not an elitist, and I don't listen to the bands I listen to to garner attention or approval. I just listen to the music because I enjoy it, and it provokes a response from me. I'm also not one of those people that will say a band sucks just because I don't like them. If a band is talented, whether or not I like them, I will give them credit for being talented. (Now, if a band really does smoke donkey pole and has no recognizable talent whatsoever, I'm not afraid to say so, either.) And I don't expect everyone to always agree with my opinions. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and most of them are shitty.
So anyway, I guess that's a pretty good Me-At-A-Glance kinda thing. I'll see ya in the forums!
I'm Cyni, I'm a 21-year-old femme from Vermont. I've been listening to one variation of metal or another since I was about 5-ish (thanks to my older brother). Back then, I pretty much listened to whatever my brother had at the time, which was mostly Ozzy, Pantera, and Megadeth. Since then, my tastes have grown and changed quite a bit. I've gone through black/death metal phases, power/prog metal phases, thrash/grind phases, and so on and so forth. Generally, I tend to lean more towards thrash, power, prog and groove stuff these days, with a smattering of random hardcore bands thrown in for good measure.
I'm not really one of those people who strives to stay current with what's new and groundbreaking or whatever. I'm not one of those people that brags about having heard a band two years ago that no one else had ever heard of until just last week. I could care less when anyone else started listening to a particular band, and I could care less whether or not anyone else likes the same bands I do. I'm not an elitist, and I don't listen to the bands I listen to to garner attention or approval. I just listen to the music because I enjoy it, and it provokes a response from me. I'm also not one of those people that will say a band sucks just because I don't like them. If a band is talented, whether or not I like them, I will give them credit for being talented. (Now, if a band really does smoke donkey pole and has no recognizable talent whatsoever, I'm not afraid to say so, either.) And I don't expect everyone to always agree with my opinions. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and most of them are shitty.
So anyway, I guess that's a pretty good Me-At-A-Glance kinda thing. I'll see ya in the forums!