cave in


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
toby played me some of the cave in mix eric made him.

my initial thoughts:

1. I don't like their hardcore stuff, but then again who likes hardcore anyway?(preparing for nick goatschool to take aim and shoot)

2. I REALLY liked the stuff from the Jupiter album and Lift Off single.

3. We didn't finish the mix BUT I was not super blown away by the Antenna stuff upon first listen.

In a related story I finally "Caved In"(get it?) and farted in Toby's new car after months and months of restraint but it really was not my choice as my gaseuous system, possibly affected by the big ass burrito with yummy black beans I got in Amherst, decided to let it loose against my will.
eh, i'm more and more disappointed with antenna as time passes. its balls-to-the-wall radiofriendliness is aggravating.

i don't really like hardcore but i do like their older, hardcorey stuff.
the jupiter stuff is probably the most impressive to me, as it still retains fleeting moments of their earlier edge. the writing on antenna i like a lot, but wish they still had some more of the heavier moments from time to time. the stuff they did within the realm of hardcore on until your heart stops was cool. before that, not much of the stuff overly impresses me.