CD Suggestion.

[KOTNO]Narrot said:
the original, i think the bonus tracks kinda destroy the flow of the album. but i guess you wont get it the original anyway except maybe on ebay for like 50$ or smth...

That pretty much blows. I hate listening to an album, especially by the likes of Opeth, and being interrupted by some fucking "bonus" track. That should be against the law. sigh.
Apprentice's Master said:
I would just go backwards from their catalogue. Not like it really matters, anyway. They're all good albums...though going back cronologically could seem like fun. ;)
that's exactly what i did, totally unintentionally, i bought all the albums in reverse order from damnation to orchid :p
Oh my lord. You have to be kidding me. I was joking. There's a thread for this "topic"? *pretends to be annoyed, but goes and checks for hints* haha.
Make plans to get them all. You won't be dissapointed.
Still Life is a must if you like BWP. I think those two plus MAYH are the three best cd's ever made by one band. And welcome to the foal!or is that fold?
heh. thanks doll.
I'm thinking Oinkness had the right idea about going hungry for a week and buying the Opeth albums. Only problem there; I do not even have money for food. lol.
OctoberEthereal said:
That pretty much blows. I hate listening to an album, especially by the likes of Opeth, and being interrupted by some fucking "bonus" track. That should be against the law. sigh.

at least the bonus tracks are after the actual album and also, when listening via winamp or smth you just can not play the bonus tracks...
Yeah if you like BWP the Still Life is the most similar, production wise etc. The first 2 are different, I love Morningrise partly because its has the twin guitar thing going on, but maybe leave it till later. I'd say Orchid last 'cos though although it is an amazing album, it is their hardest to get into. Yeah the bonus tracks can be annoying, but hey sometimes worth a listen, and I think the Maiden cover is excellent.

Yeah fuck food and living expenses, Opeth is always a priority lol.
lol. Of course. Another friend of mine said Still Life also. I might just go buy MAYH and Still Life at the same time. The only way to do it.