CD's For Sale/Trade

big sale with a few contests plus certain orders will receive free stuff that may include a random free cd that's on my list (while those last) and other stuff.
$5 sale still going! Some titles from that sale may go for $3-$4 each if plenty are bought from the $5 sale or the price may be given when a cd is picked from the $5 sale with the purchase of a cd from the normal priced cd's.
1349 demonoir cd boxset limited to 1000 copies w/ poster/autograph card/guitar pick/patch, added to the list for sale or trade. More stuff sold!
clearance sale so most will go cheap and the others just give me a fair reasonable offer and i'll very likely accept it!
List updated, big sale going on now with link to discogs page plus I will be giving away a rare cd to one person who makes a big order of at least $130 or more
Special deals on everything going on now! Some orders might receive free stuff like cd's, one big order may get a rare Tulus cd or an autographed card from 1349 that came with their limited demonoir boxset, mine came with an extra autographed card. Also will give a special discount for stuff listed on discogs if you buy them from me through paypal not on discogs!
Need to clear these cd's out so send me your offer to buy and some are on sale for $5-$7 each. Special discounted shipping rates for non US buyers for multiple cd purchases!