CD's you have had several copies of?


Feb 20, 2006
Looking to see what cd's you have owned several copies of over the years. I am on my 4th copy of Cowboys from Hell and 3rd Vulger Display of Power and atleast 3rd copy of Master of
Puppets. I have since bought a few 400 disc changers and do not let people borrow any cd's so I do not go through cd's as quick but those are some albums that I do not really listen to anymore but if lost I would probably replace them fairly quick. Oh and Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness I am on my 4th copy of that because for some reason it just disapears, I highly doubt any of my friends would even listen to it but it just seems to come missing every year or so, wierd but I buy another on my next visit.

And another question, what cd's have you bought or would like to soon because the bands have gone and broke up or whatever. A couple I want is both of the Gardenian cd's just in case they go out of print and recently seen Callenish Circle have called it quits - my first thought was oh shit I need to get new copies before they are hard to find. Both of those bands just have something about them that I think I will be listening to them 20 years from now and still loving them.
I ordered two copies of Sargeist's Satanic Black Devotion by accident one time, if that counts.
I've got two copies of Pain of Salvation - The Perfect Element because my original became badly scratched when my friends mom dropped it on concrete when she went to hand it to me.
I want to own the three issues of victims of deception. I want the original, I own the first remaster, and am going to get the newest remaster as well. I can't get tired of the album and want to have all three available to me. Owning multiple albums isn't something I want to do a lot but i will do it for few select classics.I already own a couple of albums twice but these albums don't deserve more than one issue and i'll be selling off the extra copy i dislike the most.
Owning several copies is the same idea I had in mind as well, it is just those cd's that you replace often or even currently have several copies of or want to get a duplicate just in case. I got all the Ozzy remaster with the smaller inlaid covers and then they went and re re re remastered them again and I know have the latest edition with all the original and extended artwork and bonus songs, they are still in plastic though, that was from Columbia house and the price was worth it about $4 a cd. Then of course their are the "newer" editions that they add a song or video or record in hifi or whatever it may be and you dont even think about the cost or that you have almost all of it and buy it anyway without hesitation.
I've gone through 2 copies of a few albums, some due to over-wear (namely because I didn't take very good care of them), some because I lost them:

Metallica - Ride The Lightning
Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Venom - Welcome to Hell
Whiplash - Messages In Blood

I can use a new copy of ...And Justice For All...and probably another new copy of Ride The Lightning.
Recently, Heaven Shall Burn - Deaf To Our Prayers. I bought a copy on eBay and after 1.5 months I assumed I was never going to get the CD. I bought a copy locally only a few days before it arrived. It ended up taking so long because the guy was illegally distributing Russian copies internationally. I traded the second copy online for something else.
I own a few Beatles albums on both vinyl and CD if that counts. No duplicates metal-wise, though.

This thread topic reminds me of Hell Mike posting all the copies of his band's CD's and tapes arranged in cool patterns.
I have three copies of Ithyphallic. I ordered one from amazon, it was taking forever to get here so I went to circuit city and got one. I also have the limited edition disk.
Nope. I couldn't stand to lose a CD - I get anxious if I can't find one that should be somewhere and it isn't. Does that make me weird ?
Nope. I couldn't stand to lose a CD - I get anxious if I can't find one that should be somewhere and it isn't. Does that make me weird ?

Not at all. One of mine disappeared once and I started having intense paranoia about which friend of ours was "the cd thieving rat cunt who I will stab in the eye repeatedly until he/she is dead when I discover who he/she is", until I discovered it had fallen behind the shelving unit.

The only albums I've re-purchased are ones that I have or used to have on vinyl or cassette.
there have been many times I've been forced to buy another copy of a CD I once owned - rarely for the reason of owning two copies. I currently have a couple of the old Maiden discs because I bought the re-issues for the Iron Maiden debut front cover art that you can see on the spine...
Oh yeah, I have the original (CD and vinyl) issue of Killing Is My Business... as well as the remaster, the first Elektra vinyl press of Kill 'Em All and CD, Laaz Rockit's Annihilation Principle on CD and LP, Blasphemy's Fallen Angel Of Doom on CD and Die Hard LP/Pic Disc, Goatlord - Reflections Of The Solstice LP/CD, Melissa (original CD remaster and RR 25th Anniversary remaster), Metal Church - The Dark LP/CD...maybe a few others.