Cea Serin Question

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I was just listening to a few of their MP3s, and one specific word comes to mind; wow! How do these guys not have a record contract? As puzzling as their lack of label representation is, that is not my question.

1 - Where can I buy "The Surface of All Things"? Can I assume it will be available at the Pre-Show Party?

2 - Is "Embracing the Absence" on "The Surface of all Things"?

For those of you attending the Pre-Show Party, do yourself a favor, give these MP3s a listen:

Cea Serin MP3s

They're good huh?! I'm going to try and get a hold of one of the guys in the band that I know .... (the bass player) I will see if I can find him via e-mail and head him towards this thread for ya :)
hehehe ... :) I sent an e-mail right after I posted the other night, but I'm just not sure how often he checks it! :p Hopefully it's not an old address ... they are playing here tonight ... maybe I should go :p