Celtic Frost/SunnO)))/Goatwhore


Lord of the Whisky
Sep 21, 2002
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On Sunday. I'm entirely looking forward to this, it shall prove cathartic.

The question is, should I get pics of drunken metal debauchery?

EDIT: I may have sex with a hot Jewish woman from Scottsdale the night before. But I don't think I can get pics of that.
I have always wondered what Sunn O))) is like live. I like them but they are not a very musical band to say the least.

I think I've said how much I loved the CF show enough that I do't have to get into it again.
I like all three bands a lot, but as I've actually been listening to CF for going on twenty years now, obviously they're the main draw. I've heard SunnO))) is quite a trip live, though, and I tend to like their albums, even if they're rather outside the expected musical realm.
Celtic frost were awesome when i saw them as was goatwhore. sunO))) was so fucking bad though i hated the fact that the venue had no ins and outs. i couldn't escape the constant barrage of one low loud annoying note over and over. it drove me insane o_O
Yes, I agree.

Sunn 0))) was death. I was up front for them, but after about ten minutes I couldn't take it and started walking around the venue, complaining to various people I recognized about how goddamn awful it was.

Celtic Frost = win
Goatwhore and 1349 = more win

But you don't get 1349. :(
I'm always cool with Goatwhore. They camped out in AZ when Katrina hit LA, so it got to the point I was seeing them quite frequently. I would have loved to see 1349, to be sure. But I'm still interested in experiencing SunO))) live.. I can see why people wouldn't like it, but for me it's all about comparing the recorded experience against the live.
I'm sure the only experience in seeing Sunn O))) live is a lot of crying as they come on and then a coma inducing drone sound...
So they didn't just stand there and stare at the keyboards or whatever they make the noises with? I expect some Riverdance god damnit.
Necromunchkin said:
On Sunday. I'm entirely looking forward to this, it shall prove cathartic.

The question is, should I get pics of drunken metal debauchery?

EDIT: I may have sex with a hot Jewish woman from Scottsdale the night before. But I don't think I can get pics of that.
I've spent a lot of time in Scottsdale and I don't think I've ever seen a girl that's not super hot.
Yeah, pretty much tends to describe Scottsdale women, but so does shallow frequently. Fortunately, such is not the case with this woman. A bit crazy, but intelligent and interesting... and hot.
I love Sunn O))) on album, but I wouldn't necessarily want to see them live.

I'm already wishing Celtic Frost would come back to NYC. At least I will see Maiden next week!