Celtic Frost/SunnO)))/Goatwhore

Sunn0))) really isnt so much a concert experience as it is a full body massage and a mental cleansing experience. You either get it or you dont with this band.
Necromunchkin said:
We're missing the point... this is about crazy pics and sex with hot Semitic babes. FOCUS!

Am I wrong in saying: when folks mention semitic babes, I always assume it's some form of disease.

AND no, I'm not anti-semitic, I just don't like the word. Sounds like a rash.
No pics because I forgot to purchase batteries, and by the time I remembered I was too arsed drunk to actually care.

The crowd was entirely lame, apparently because it was a Sunday people couldn't be bothered to show up to Celtic Frost or Sunn0))). Oh well.

As for the show, Sunn0))) was freakishly loud, that is, your clothes vibrate against youf body loud and in my case, my badly healed once broken rib aching from the subsonic assault. It was actually cool, though not at all a visual spectacle, minus the Druid outfits. However, my lack of earplugs got to me a bit given they were almost as loud as Manowar, and with the unreal distortion.

Celtic Frost- supremely excellent. The new stuff tranlates incredibly well live, but hearing old shit like The Usurper, Into the Crypt of Rays, Necromantial Screams, and Cyrcle of the Tyrants was a wonderful treat. Felt like I was ten again hearing the stuff for the first time. The challenge was of course driving the 180 miles back home, getting my three hours of sleep and getting into work today, but I pulled it off with minimal bloodshed.

Oh, and as for the evening before, there was good sex with Jewish (will refrain from semitic adjective for Derek's sake) lady the night before.
I agree 100% about the new songs. I thought they wouldn't sound so good live since a) it sounds so different than the older stuff and b) Monotheist was all about the atmosphere. But not only did it not sound so out of place with stuff off of Morbid Tales, it actually had a lot of that atmosphere.
Into The Crypts Of Rays was probably the highlight when I saw them. I almost lost my voice screaming for them to play that and I almost snapped my neck when they finally did.
But why aren't there too many younger people going to the CF shows? I only saw a handful of people my age when I saw them.