Jan 10, 2005
Ok, so I've been coming here for a looooong time, just never registered, kinda sat quietly in the back just listening to everybody. So I registered, and I couldn't think of a thread, so I got this idea....

Below is a link to an mp3 of a bunch of songs spliced together so that you can hear this guitar tone that I think would be cool to see if anybody can re-create on the PODxt. Before anybody asks, yes it's all from the same guy, same equipment, etc. on all the clips. It was done with Amplitube but I think, after hearing a lot of clips here on Andy's section, you guys can re-create it, or come really damn close. So listen away, and post your settings, gear, any outboard equipment (eq's, compressors, etc.), any plug-ins (if you record the tone) and their settings, all that good stuff. Latah.

Tone Mp3
Hey, its the Chimpspanner tunes. I got all those when he had them up on Souncclick back in when. Still don't know how he got those tight of tones out of Amplitube. Good tone though. :headbang:
Yeah, I love his tone, just can't find it though. I've tried Amplitube, Guitar Rig...everything. Last resort was my PODxt, but I'm sure somebody here can figure it out. Latah.

This was his reply to an e-mail I sent him:

"...Anyway, with regards to Amplitube settings, my studio laptop is currently in a bag so I can't call the settings up right now. I can give you a rough explanation though.

On the songs I have up at soundclick, I used the Solid State lead pre amp, set to around 4-o-clock, as it's a good deal less "noisy" than modern high gain (of course that was cos I used to work in front of a CRT monitor. With my laptop, I can use the Modern High Gain no probs). To counteract the sterile tone of the solid state circuitry, I use the 100W Tube Power amp, and crank the volume all the way up, so you're adding distortion to solid state pre-amp drive - just makes it a bit rounder/smoother. Then obviously just turn the master volume of the plugin down to make up for all that volume added by the gain on the power amp. The American Tube EQ model is nice for playing on your own - nice scooped Metal sound, but in a mix, it just sounds thin. I usually stick to the Brit Class A EQ as it has more body and warmth, and then whack the high/presence up to take away that "under a blanket" sorta sound. Cab wise...can't go wrong with the Brit 2x12. It's pretty much all I use. That, or the Vintage Open Back 4x12, as that has a naturally airy sound. Just use the post amp FX section to put some bass back into it and your set. Or, if using the thinner souding cab presets, just switch mic placement to off axis, mic type to dynamic, and smack the high and presence up to full.

I'll be out much of today, but see how you get on with the sort of setup described above. If you'd like, I can send you a couple of Amplitube presets? Just let me know :)"

If you really want the exact presets just mail him and ask for them.
Oh, I've talked to him for numerous hours on MSN Messenger, I know about his Amplitube settings, I wrote them down a looooooong time ago when I first asked him how he got his tone, I have Amplitube LE, and his patch wouldn't work with LE since he uses the full version. I don't want to use Amplitube anyway, though. I was hoping somebody here could re-create that tone, or something close, on the PODxt. I tried Diabloic5150's settings and they just aren't cutting it for me, too middy...but when I take out some mids it's too muddy/too thin. Also there seems to be not enough gain...almost like clean guitar with just a touch of overdrive or something. Anyway, I'm hoping somebody here could find that tone on the clips on the PODxt. Latah.

006 said:
I tried Diabloic5150's settings and they just aren't cutting it for me, too middy...but when I take out some mids it's too muddy/too thin. Also there seems to be not enough gain...almost like clean guitar with just a touch of overdrive or something. Anyway, I'm hoping somebody here could find that tone on the clips on the PODxt. Latah.


It IS basically clean with a touch of overdrive. It sounds lame when you're just playing, but it sounds great when you layer 4 guitar tracks. Guitars, pickups and playing styles have a great deal to do with it. I play on a vintage neckthrough Dean with vintage Duncan's in it. That pod setting works ok for me, but tone is all preference. I have to have clarity. If that means sacrificing gain to hear my chops, so be it. It sounds meaty to me when it's layered though. But again, that's my preference.

Try using the Solo 100 model on your pod. You might get closer to the tone you're looking for with that one.
Oh, I didn't know you layered it 4 times, lol. I was doing one track 100% L and one track 100% R. Do you do two tracks each (2L, 2R), or four tracks (4L, 4R)? I will try that now, lol. Should I try the Solo100 model with your settings? Also...I only use the PODxt sometimes for recording and just messing around by myself, live I use my 5150 212. I really love the 5150's smooth distortion, I was wondering if anybody knows if the 5150 model in the model packs that Line6 offers actually sounds like a 5150. I am going into the studio in a month or so, and I was really interested in using only the PODxt Live for guitars on the cd. But if I can't get a good enough sound, then I will just use it for the effects in my 5150's fx loop as I am right now. My friend told me to try a 31-band eq (graphic) after the POD for recording...anybody have any experience with this? I have a dual 31-band...Anyway, latah.
