
I don't view separating from a significant other as "losing" or "rotten." Rather, I remember the positive memories gained with that always special person and I smile when I think about them. Things change, that's all. It sounds to me like Dan is coping pretty well. He titled his thread "Changes" - I think that's a very healthy way of looking at this. Of course there is pain involved, and in situations like this, the happiness and the pain go hand-in-hand. Dan says he can see the situation more clearly now (so this difficulty has been going on a while) and that it's in the best interests of everyone. Of course he is right. Things will continue to change and there is no limit as to how. Best wishes to the whole family. The future is bright. :)

Sad news, but it is good to hear you are coping well with it. Best of luck to all the three of you, Dan, Åsa and John.

Metal88 said:
I don't view separating from a significant other as "losing" or "rotten." Rather, I remember the positive memories gained with that always special person and I smile when I think about them. Things change, that's all. It sounds to me like Dan is coping pretty well. He titled his thread "Changes" - I think that's a very healthy way of looking at this. Of course there is pain involved, and in situations like this, the happiness and the pain go hand-in-hand. Dan says he can see the situation more clearly now (so this difficulty has been going on a while) and that it's in the best interests of everyone. Of course he is right. Things will continue to change and there is no limit as to how. Best wishes to the whole family. The future is bright. :)
Very well said.

Dan... Your music has been an important part of my life for about 6 or 7 years now; you are an important person in my life. I just wanted you to know that.
Dan Swanö said:
Hi everyone.

I just wanted to confirm that the rumours you might have heard are true.
Me and my wife (Åsa) have separated, with a "friendly" divorce to follow.
Our son (John) will stay with me every other week. It felt like hell for a while,
but now I can see clearer and even though it can seem weird, it will be better for all of us in the end.
I just wanted you to hear it from me.
True stories will be told in the lyrics to come. Nothing that will make me a better person in the eyes of world though...



how YOU doin? ;)
Dan Swanö said:
Hi everyone.

I just wanted to confirm that the rumours you might have heard are true.
Me and my wife (Åsa) have separated, with a "friendly" divorce to follow.

I know you have already heard this a hundred times Dan, but i just want to wish you the best and hope everything turns out ok for you, take care of yourself.
Hmmm...I wish you, Asa and your Son the best. You heard that once and once again. But the most of us know how this situations feels like. :(

@ ColdDarkNord: A few good friends had the same situation too. So thats not only in russia. And I have noticed that this situations happened often in the last time. I mean that this happening (separizing) happens much more in the last time than all the years before. Hmm...nearly 3 years I am together with my girlfriend and I hope it will going on good for us ( and of course all of you out there ).
just remember that we are all behind you & keeping you in our thoughts.
In the end everything happens for a reason...

take care & stay focused,
-Patrick (USA)
My best wishes to you, Dan. I've been through divorce before as well and it's difficult, no matter what the reasons are or how amicable the split is. But I'm sure you'll pull through and persevere like a trooper.

Best wishes to you and your family! Take care =)

ColdDarkNord said:
what da fuck is going on in sweden? all my friends keep loosing wives and gf! "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."
so, its only me who keep staying with my first and only one wife for 16 years?

Not only in Sweden, in Portugal the same!!! I never watch so many breakups like this year, even myself this year I lost a important part of my life, not just a friend but also a short time girlfriend!!!

Best wishes, Dan :) sincerelly from all your fans in Portugal I can say this for sure :) And remember life goes on, we just have to learn to deal with it :)
I think it's really cool you would take the time to tell the fans about it, even though it isn't necessarily their business. Shows a real respect for people that most 'celebrities' (if you would call yourself that ;) ) seem to lack.

Hope everything goes ok dude, I don't have anything to offer but my sympathy. Good luck man.
Carpe_TenebrvmONPtnet said:
Not only in Sweden, in Portugal the same!!! I never watch so many breakups like this year, even myself this year I lost a important part of my life, not just a friend but also a short time girlfriend!!!

Best wishes, Dan :) sincerelly from all your fans in Portugal I can say this for sure :) And remember life goes on, we just have to learn to deal with it :)
Strange. Same thing seems to be going on over here as well. Maybe it's that time of the year?

Anyway, it's sad to hear. Keep up the good work and stay strong.
I'm sorry to hear about your impending divorce, Dan... I hope you can keep it friendly, for all of your sakes! Keep your head up and keep creating beautiful music... let the pain flow out through your creative outlets... and remember, this too will pass.
Frederick, MD, USA