Changing Fx's on stage


Nov 22, 2008
Hi to all!

My first thread where i'm going to ask something :D

I'm lurking this forum since weeks now, and I want to congratulate to everybody, great informative threads here, I learned and still learning a lot from all you guys...

Now, to the point for the first noobish question :D (I swear I was going to post the title " ¯\(°_o)/¯ How do live fx's?" but then I changed my mind :D )

I'm interested to understand what kind of hardware you need to automate the switching of fx's on a live performance. Still not played on big professional shows, so I wonder what a player need to have the ability to play without worrying about stomping on 3 pedals or switching the racks on the amplifier.

And.. It's just a matter of automated hardware or there is some human work involved? (crew members doing the work for you etc )

Thanks in advance ;-)
Some people stomp on pedals.
Some people hire other people to stomp on their pedals for them.
Some people get a sophisticated switching system so that they only have to stomp on one pedal to switch a whole bunch of stuff at the same time.
Some people hire people to stomp on that pedal for them too.
Some people stomp on pedals.
Some people hire other people to stomp on their pedals for them.
Some people get a sophisticated switching system so that they only have to stomp on one pedal to switch a whole bunch of stuff at the same time.
Some people hire people to stomp on that pedal for them too.

Yup, I'd say that about sums it up! :lol: Ooh, but don't forget "some people program computers to send signals to stomp on pedals for them" :D
Yup, I'd say that about sums it up! :lol: Ooh, but don't forget "some people program computers to send signals to stomp on pedals for them" :D

Yeah! :D Quick , short and effective!

So, may I ask another thing, just to stop my hunger for infos about live shows? And that's just about "computers". I'm a big Dark Tranquilllity fan, and I read some time ago that Brändström now uses all Vst stuff for his synths. So, if I understand correctly, they have a dedicated machine with a Daw opened, that sends probably a click track to the drummer and have lots of programming with midi signals, Vst loaded etc...

Well, yeah it's a fascinating thing, but I can see a scene in my mind, something like "big band is playing good, then in a totally unexpected manner "PLIIIING" a fatal error pops out and all goes to hell"...
Im automating my fx using the midi out of my interface and everything programed into the daw session works like a charm its sooo handy live not having to worry about footswitching
Well, yeah it's a fascinating thing, but I can see a scene in my mind, something like "big band is playing good, then in a totally unexpected manner "PLIIIING" a fatal error pops out and all goes to hell"...

That's why you make sure the Windows sounds are turned off :p

My pedal-board has 15 pedals on it, and I'm one of the first kind of people. I'm thinking I should screw the guitar lessons - I need a couple of years of tap or modern jazz instead :erk:

MIDI and a drummer playing to a click. :kickass: Set your patch changes in the sequencer. If you want to integrate normal pedals in your setup, you either have to switch 'em the old-fashioned way (what I currently do with my non-MIDI gear) or have a switching system- GCX or similar- and the pedals in a rack tray.

I'm a long-time user of sequenced synths- started out playing in bands as a keyboardist- so automated patch changes are my friend.
If you have a bunch of pedals and you can't go MIDI switching system I've seen where a lot of huys are using FX loop devices like the ones here... Generally what you'd do is for any given sound, you take that group of pedals involved and put them in one loop, then you can put the pedals you use for another sound in another loop, etc.

This way you don't have your signal going thru 15 pedals all the time and for any given sound you just have one button you push. I was going this route up until I scored my TC G-Major...
This way you don't have your signal going thru 15 pedals all the time and for any given sound you just have one button you push. I was going this route up until I scored my TC G-Major...

Yeah, I've considered this before. My problem is I don't have clean effects and dirty effects so I couldn't just have loops, I'd need a proper GCX stylee rig - I worked out I'd want 20-odd switches anyway. Instead at the moment I just wing it and change what effects I use every time :p
