Chaos Divine - Colliding Skies

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
First time I'm coming across this modern Aussie prog metal band. This song is taken from their forthcoming CD. People here are gonna love this one methinks. These boys play a very modern style of prog with heavy slightly djentrified riff but not in a blatant way. The song they are showcasing showcases everything they are all about. Epic riffs, leadwork and vocals. The theme of the video is a bit weird I guess it's about some form of conformity issue. Some pignose boy has his nose removed by the band and he returns to having a normal human nose but he doesn't like it much until the guy hands a mask as a symbol of some kind. I haven't got my head round it yet maybe some genius can explain. Musically the band is phenomenal and will be well loved by many here.

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The debut from them was very uneven but they had three really strong tunes on it. I wondered what they would sound like if they came close to their potential. Hopefully I get to find out.
I like! And that Toto cover - that is awesome! Anyone know where to find the non-itunes version? They have a Bandcamp page but no music for sale.
Wow, amazing band! glad I came across this post, thanks!
Beautiful music , especially singing. I think this goes right up to the top of the modern metal pile, with Shattered Skies, Tesseract, etc.