
No, I'm suspicious of beggars, they all beg the same way ' S'il vous plaittttttttt' as if they were taught to pronounce this sentence like a lament before being thrown into the streets by their pimp.
yep even so much as to have money wired out of my account each month- but thats not real charity as i dont really do much. but i am always in oxfam picking up vintage bit of shit to wear - deluding myself that i am actually living in the 80s
eh, there was this beggar somewhere around the Cathedral in cologne, it was this women, gypsy look alike, wearing a hood drawn deep into the face, so that you couldn't see anything of the face. Well, she sat there, like if she was paralyzed or sth, stretching out one hand, so as if she was begging for money, and in the other a baby, which we at sometime realized to be a puppet :lol:And this women sat exactly at the same position, every half year i visited cologne. cheeky beggar that was, at least play a horrible hippie song or sth
these days there seems to be the trend to walk straight into you and give that 'hey there, do you have 50 cents for food or a trainticket... it'd be more fair if they'd just say 'booze' or 'heroine'. at least you know your money serves some selfdestruction goal :rolleyes: :D
nah i just come across that way
but thats not to say there should be no need for the majority of begging that goes on in our country. ie those foreigners up at the roundabouts on the m50 with a baby strapped to their chest. those people make more than the average worker from begging!
I stopped giving money to beggars and started giving money to organisations and friends.