Charlie and Frankie hanging out with Gene Simmons and other celebrities.....

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Got this at Kissonline....this would have been a fun evening

Hey! WOW! I just got home from the Studio 54, New York City launch party for Gene's Tongue magazine, and I'll tell you something, it was a really HOT night!

For starters, the doors opened around 8:00 PM, with Gene showing up around 9:00 PM. (The first photo is the line forming outside.) He was dressed in a black blazer and a white, long-sleeved shirt, with fruffles. He looked good! The party was held on the second floor of the in-famous Studio 54. There was an open bar, and lots of promotional items on the tables. (The second photo are the items: the premiere issue of Tongue magazine, a boxed KISS condom, a loose condom, a Tongue sticker, and a Tongue suppressor.) The lights were dimly lit, and there were tons of beautiful women all around the place. Gene had his own little area, but he frequently walked around the place, shaking hands and signing autographs.

Lots of media were on-hand, too, shooting video and giving interviews. There were these huge matted posters of Tongue magazine and KISS condoms hanging all around the place. I managed to steal, eh, I mean borrow one of the posters. It's 5' x 3'. (Please see the 3rd photo.) Gene was sweating like a pig! It was very hot inside the place. He had to remove his coat, and his shirt was drenched. He kept drinking Coca-Cola. A group of 4 midgets dressed in KISS costumes and make-up provided the evening's entertainment, lip-synching to DRC and RNRAN. It was rather amusing, to say the least. Afterwards, the group took pictures with Gene.

In the crowd were Charlie Bernante and Frank Bello of Anthrax, 2 guys from Danger Danger, I think Bruno and Steve West, but don't hold me to that; I wasn't a very big fan of theirs. Stacey Walker, and a famous photographer who's name slips my mind right now, were there also.

And, most importantly, during the course of the evening, Peter Criss and his wife Gigi showed up. They spoke with Gene for a little while, and took pictures and did interviews with him. Peter looked very healthy and happy, with very short, jet-black hair. His wife Gigi looked as beautiful as I've ever seen her! Gene told me that he invited both Peter and Ace to the party, and that he was glad that Peter showed up. Peter told me he was happy to be there, too. They said good-bye to each other, and off Peter and Gigi went. The place was so crowded and very dark and hot, that a lot of the people didn't even know until after the fact that Peter was even there.

Lots of dancing and drinking going on...sort of reminded me of those glory days of Studio 54. I couldn't help but think what was going on back then, in that very room. The DJ only played one KISS song the whole evening, Dr. Love. Other than that, it was a lot of disco, the Stones, Prince, etc. Very cool evening, to say the least, and I'm happy I was there to witness it all. Anyway, take care.
Originally posted by Stoner Sioux
Going to a wrestling match

Well...I am going to see the Colorado Rockies vs. the CLEVELAND INDIANS!!!!!!!

Wahoooooo!!!!!!!!! :grin: :grin:
It'll be the first time ever that the Indians play in Coors Field!
I have a semi.:D
Oh, yeah! And next week I'm gonna go see the Rockies vs. the Yankees!!
Another classic game!