Chatting thread!

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Originally posted by NoLordy Capone
Really, Now? :grin:
Check THAT song out below.
*metalized drops his tasks, lets his hair drop on his shoulders and starts headbanging, while his collegues at work look at him as if he were allien* :rock::heh:
Hello! May I come in and join you?? :grin:

And just when I wanted to write something like 15 minutes ago, the electricity was cut here for 10 minutes....:mad: :( :mad:
Originally posted by NoLordy Capone
I gotta go guys... I have to paint in here tomorrow...
:cry: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :cry:
I'm sorry.

Well, if you want to see your fiance happy, you'll paint without feeling bad about the fact that you have to do it...:heh:


and bye...:)
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