Lord Of Metal

Hey now... If I ever do that it'll be cause I'm trying to be like that twisted killer that skinned girlies in Silence of The Lambs.
I would flame you, but I can't really unless you flame me or say something really stupid. This is the best I can do at the moment: Fuck you and grow some balls you retarded, ah........................................, oh screw it.
Originally posted by Guerrilla
When you say we should go by his example you mean cut our dicks off and shove 'em up our asses? :confused:

No, damnit, it was said before: take it as it is and wear it as a belt or as a scarf. Or jump hurdles over it, and break a leg. :D
tee>>>DAMN! hahaha

AZEL>>>WHat LOM said, you never flamed us, or said anything overly stupid.....that we saw anyway. Hey LORD, we should pull the flames out just to be sure....you think? hahha