+1 on get a bass
there are cheap ones that can sound good, but looking for 2nd hand is even better.
But new strings on it and get hard. if you dont get hard it's not the right bass, because nice basses with new strings allready sound awesome on the DI track
I only use pitch shifting on the guitar in case of I dont have a bass at hand or cant borrow one in the near future. will hopefully have a good bass at home finally after easter
about how do play bass:
I think it depends on the music and the bass. if you have a cheap bass that rattles a lot I wouldn't play too hard...just find the right balance, because picking like a pussy is also not an option

Our bass player for example doesnt hit the strings as hard as me, but it looks much more controled. it doesnt look like he plays hard, but it sounds hard...if you get what I mean
I used to play way too hard (with pick), but it just generates more noise than br00talz for me...so try to hit the middleground
I have no idea how Sharlee D'Angelo manages to generate awesome bass tracks in Arch Enemy...it looks like he's raping the bass, but it sounds so cool

playing bass is also fun for me, even if I'm mainly a guitarplayer