(cheap) Randall RH100G2 as second amp?


beyond silent black
Mar 20, 2009
Austin, TX
Hey guys - I just saw a Randall RH100G2 at a pawn shop near me for $150 and had to exercise some restraint to walk away so I could get a sanity check. The problem is that there's no way to test it there and unless its broken I can only return it for store-credit.

I currently have a 1st gen Laney GH100L w/Svetlana EL34s, Marshall 1960A cab with x2 T75s and x2 Vintage 30s, a rocktron Replifex, and a Gibson SG Standard and Jackson 7 string with an SD Distortion pickup in the bridge (not great but better than stock 'duncan designed' pups).

I play everything from old school metal to swedish death to blackmetal to sludgy doom. I don't currently gig so weight/durability/volume isn't an issue. I'm looking for something that would give me a *different* tone from the Laney for inspiration and/or recording purposes. So while I'm not a tone-snob, something that sounds like a$$ probably won't inspire me too much. :puke:

I know that 'value' is pretty subjective but at $150 it seems close to a no-brainer. 'course that could also be spent on a warpig for the SG or some better pups for the jackson.

Not Really, i had the 200 watts version, which is basically the same, is pretty standard sound you have with it, it sound far better than a Crate or some peaveys, maybe it will suit good with the sludgy doom part, it`s sound is a bit dark or opaque.
thanks - though you probably didn't save me $150 it sounds like it will be better spent on other things - namely a JB for my 7-string and a warpig for my SG. oh wait, you actually COST me money!
Hahaha, i would go with the Warpig, save a little to buy a better amp later, cause you probably would sell the randall for another amp in the future anyways.
Thanks for the clip - sounds okay multi-tracked but I can see how the tone is sorta just 'meh' - not bad necessarily but not great either.

I actually do like my laney quite a bit, but granted it was my first and only 'real' amp. If I start playing more or gigging I'd be able to justify a really good replacement.

nice playing btw

Thanks for the clip - sounds okay multi-tracked but I can see how the tone is sorta just 'meh' - not bad necessarily but not great either.

I actually do like my laney quite a bit, but granted it was my first and only 'real' amp. If I start playing more or gigging I'd be able to justify a really good replacement.

nice playing btw


Cheers :) Yeah, the amp sounds pretty much what it is - an affordable transistor head. I used it live and it worked nice with our other guitarist's 5150, but on it's own it's pretty useless for tracking. The thing is built like a tank, though. It got mutilated quite a lot and never had a single hick-up.