Cheapest way to add digital inputs?


boom tap boom-boom tap
Jul 2, 2008
I'm looking for the absolute cheapest method to get some more digital inputs for my Saffire Pro 40. SPDIF or ADAT works. They have to work under the following terms:

-They have pre's
-They aren't noisy
-At least two channels on the unit

Any advice guys?
The behringer unit works but sounds like shit, pre-wise. I bought a used Focusrite Saffire PRO 26i/o for $250 and use that as an 8ch ADAT pre as well as letting other band members use it to write with.
Behringer ADA8000. I wouldn't say the pres sound like shit, in fact, at the price point, they're actually pretty good. They're not the greatest, but what do you expect for $200? :p
I had the ADA8000, there was EXTREME amounts of hum, it was seriously unusable. I remember when I recorded vocals with the pre's at 75%, and there was between -30 and -22 dbfs of consistant hum. I'll see if I can find that pro26i used somewhere, looks like the old version of my Saffire which hopefully means equal quality.
I had the ADA8000, there was EXTREME amounts of hum, it was seriously unusable. I remember when I recorded vocals with the pre's at 75%, and there was between -30 and -22 dbfs of consistant hum. I'll see if I can find that pro26i used somewhere, looks like the old version of my Saffire which hopefully means equal quality.

Really? Mine is nearly as silent as my Pro 40.

I only use it for triggers now days though, so I could really care less about sound quality. Sometimes I use it for bass, cause the pres aren't as clean as the Pro 40, so they add a little aggression that I sometimes like.
Hmmm... Maybe I had a defective ADA8000. I'll see if GC has a used one I can test. Octopre looks too new to be able to have a used one on the market, but I'll look into that too. I actually just emailed a local on Clist about the D8.

Now that covers ADAT, how about SPDIF? I want to utilize all my input capabilities.
yup I have a digimax FS and the pre's aren't great but they are usable

I'm not too concerned with the tone of the pre's, as long as they have a decent amount of juice and don't have any hum/noise they will work for me.
Used Digimax D8. You can get one for around 250 used if you know where to look

I just did this, but I did a B stock instead for $300.

Like it a lot. My ONLY complaint is the fact they stuck the fucking 48v switches on the back of it (seriously what the fucking fuck?)

My only other small complaint (very small) is the fact that the D8 doesn't expand your outputs as well, I thought that was a little lame since the ADA8000 does and at a cheaper price.
If you can get a Saffire 26io for $250 like Jeff did, that is going to be wayyyyyyyyy better than the ADA8000. I have/had an ADA8000... it totally took a shit on me after about 2 years of service. Sure, they can work, but those pres are crap, no other way to put it.

@Loren: Just leave the 48v on all the time? I do that with my 2626, no issues to date plugging mics in/out with it like that. I'm not running any ribbons though, if I were I would still do that but be mindful of what things were set as before plugging it in.
I have/had an ADA8000... it totally took a shit on me after about 2 years of service. Sure, they can work, but those pres are crap, no other way to put it.

In the poll I did in my preamp shootout thread the ADA8000 seemed to fair really well up against the Mackie 800R and M Audio Profire. There was next to no difference between those 3 preamps as far as sound quality goes.

The Focusrite Saffire pre's did beat the rest by quite a margin but I think it might be because it's the most different sounding (darker than the other pre's) out of the bunch so people automatically picked it as "best"

The Behringer is the noisiest of the bunch though.

I only use it for triggers now days though, so I couldn't really care less about sound quality.
The Behringer is the noisiest of the bunch though.

That's the single reason I, and most everyone else, find it useless for anything but triggers. I own a 2626, MOTU 8Pre and an ADA8000 that used to work... the ADA is not good for anything other than trigs. At least in my experience between the 3 units anyway.
Cool guys, now what about SPDIF??


EDIT: Loren, holy phuck the toneport is 250$, that's how much I'm going to be paying for the 8 channel pre, lol. Any other options?