Expanding Saffire Pro 40 via S/PDIF


Apr 21, 2006
Worcester, UK
i've currently got a focusrite saffire pro 40 and an octopre mkII linked through ADAT (which gives me 16 mic pre's) but I'm using up 1 of the mic pre's with a talkback mic, so was thinking of getting a cheapo single or dual mic pre with S/PDIF to connect to the saffire.....just for the talkback mic....nothing else!

anyone got any suggestions as to a cheap, ok(ish) mic pre with spdif? ive searched around and can't find much at all - cheapest i found was a dbx 386, which is way more than i want to spend.

would an crummy interface work rather than a purpose built mic pre? something like the alesis IO|2 for example? they seem to go one ebay pretty cheap....could i just connect that into the saffire via spdif and not have to install alesis drivers onto my pc?

I'm using ADAT and S/pdif at the same time with my shit.

I use a toneport UX2 guy, serves 2 very nice functions:

2 extra crappy mic preamps (and yeah they suck), and you can use it for running scratch guitars with the podfarm shit.

wicked!! thanks mate.....i'm gonna keep my eyes on ebay for a toneport or something similar (cheapo interface with spdif).
