cheapest way to get PT MPTK?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I have decided I need a vacation over christmas...
unfortunately, being self employed, I can't afford to not work at all, so I'd like to do some drumediting on my laptop.....
so now I need the MPTK to get multitrack BD...(that's actually the only thing I need from the MPTK).

what's the cheapest way to get it? (legally of course).

Of if you know someone who goes to a pro tools training school they can get you the music production toolkit for a hefty discount by buying through the digi training and education store. Don't know if there's a "1 per student" limit or anything on it though.
Hahahah good point, man.

The premise is that the licenses are split up (BD+track count and plugins) in your iLok account, so people can sell the sets individually if they want. I assume this guy splits up the package for a profit - great for us that don't need the plugins but want (relatively) uncrippled editing/file transfer!