Cheapest way to utilize spdif inputs?


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
I've got two of these on my fast track ultra. I want to use them as trigger inputs so quality doesn't matter. How can I go about using them?
I've never fully understood the S/PDIF thing. The Profire 2626 has the crazy cable with RCA, MIDI, and I think something else? Wiki says it's for sending compressed signals and whatnot, but I just never fully understood this.
Yeah I have a toneport UX2 going into the S/PDIF input on my profire 2626. I get 2 more channels of inputs with it (although they are shitty).

I have to set the clock to the toneport (confusing to some, but no big deal in terms of quality) and I'm limited to 48K if I do. Not that this matter I just roll out 44.1 all the time.