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The "added stuff" looks awesome! For use in the booklet aswell? I still think the cover is a bit boring compared to the other ones... Doesn`t matter to me anyway, cuz the songs will rule as usually.
the letters that say nightingale look very familiar but I don't know where I have seen
the extras look cool
those look cool for a cover too
Edit_V2 (bottom pic) is quite nice. Subtle, tasteful and i like the use of transparency
The new one is a cover fold out, the right half is the cover, right side would be the fold out.. etc....

Hey Travis - thanks for the compliment, that coming form you is huge... thanks. Zero Hour is the best stuff you, or anyone for the matter, has done! Too bad the album was so-so, but I bought it for the art any way.

Hi Dan, hi Matt!

I like the texture of version No. 2, but I think that v1 would possibly fit better to the cover concept, cos the cover and inlay back looks very quiet and clean to me. The texture on v2 is too rough. So v1 is the most familiar version of those two.
Hm... you know what I mean?

@ Travis: Hey, you're the guy who created the artwork to "A fine Day to Exit", right? Great job there... seems like we have two of the best layouters and graphic creators here in the forum. I would like to know if the "Pressure" video or the cover concept was first?
And now for something funny: I recently watched "James Bond - On Her Majesty's Secret Service" with George Lazenby, and the beginning of the film looks quite like the "AFDTE"-cover artwork! Have a look at it!! :lol:

So long!

@ Matt: Thanks really. I really dig it...I'm experimenting myself right now with the minimalist thing for somethig and its coming along ncely, but what you did is truly the way to do it...I can't wait for the CD as i LOVE the nightingale saga...

@ Claret: I've never seen the Pressure video yet although im still waiting for it. I just kinda trhrew some things together for the single art. it was a quickie.
I havent seen that james bond thing either. bummer. it seems like everytime i put something out lately it's close to another idea either before or after...


oh, matt, did you try that and it worked? COOL!
the reason i said that is because i always saw the nightingle stories as very personal in someway, either real or fantasy, so i thought that would add a "personal" touch..either with a handwriting font or scanned writing. i thought it would look more personal than the slick title under the logo...but i did like it
i was thinking more in a sense of mood...blah blah blah