Check it out again

Yea Travis, check it out, it totally works better than I would have imagined... and the texture effect on the handwriting is a mistake.. I left the smashed charcoal on the scanner bed by accident, and hooray, a cool effect...

but dude, I need a favor, email me:

plus I have a badass image I want you to see, maybe you can use it.

Later Y'all.
Hi Everyone.
Me and Matt have made a little "The best of" all these covers and it's the very best Nightingale cover, ever!!! I get fucking chills everythime I see it because the Shadowman is looking me right in the eyes...

Now playing "Trail Of Insects" from Bloodbath!!! Nasty shit!!!
really nice job, but it doesn't look like its a kinda deadly album cover?
i mean, if the main title is "alive again", shouldn't it be a rebirth cover, like lights or something like that???

well... i think the artwork is still great but not according to the main title....
bye bye
Hey Matt.. What do you think of the Fractal Design Painter program series? I've always been a big fan.

I think you and Travis Smith are two of the best in the business.. Good-looking stuff!

I don't know much Swedish, so I can't translate "gurgelguff" for you, but I can tell you this: "Jag vill bära din röv som en hatt" (have Dan or Dag translate that for you).
Hey wardwarf, you refering to the Painter that was once owned by MetaCreations but was sold to Corel? If so, yea, it rules. I've never done any of the photo-realistic painting stuff, but I've messed around with them at an old job I had, cool stuff.

Gurgelguff just sounds odd... and now I wish I spoke Swedish... try fixing someone's computer when you cant switch the language to English, thats harsh!

Yeah, that's the program to which I am referring. I haven't seen new versions of it lately, but I haven't kept an eye on the market. I have version 5.0, and it's pretty sweet.

Hell, I'd have trouble fixing computers in French, and that's a latin-based language! Swedish, I'd be dead.
Looks really good, but couldn't you put some orange in it. It reminds me of the texture of a nightingale. Their coat has orange tinges to it. I think I could really go for it if it had random hues of orange intermingled in the brush strokes.

And, maybe make the lettering a less drastic white. The lettering takes away from the artwork. Maybe blend it better. Craze the people who are too into reading the lyrics. I prefer to catch them from the song, myself. It is better to make up words that fit the mood for you, I think, but I'm just a silly Waterdweller hanging out in her water barrel posting my second ever 'thread'. :)