Check out a new song by my band Unthroned! :)

Nugent Goes AOL said:
No man, I wasn't offended in the least. I just got the impression from reading your comments that you weren't cool with the fact that some people thought your song could be improved in some ways. But it's cool, I understand...I would most likely react the same way if I put a song of my own up here.

Once again, good tune. Keep 'em coming.

I hope to get some of my own band's material up here within the next few months...but I don't want to jump the gun and post something that I'm not happy with.

Cool, that's my philosophy too. That's why we are only just about to start performing live now after about 3 years, granted it took me about 2 years to complete the line up though.

Yeah, I'm cool with everything that everyone has said. I'd rather people say exactly what they think rather than pretend for the sake of not pissing someone off.

I read my post about the bass again though, and I guess I can see how it sounds that way sometimes like when I said stuff like " Charles did an awesome job of getting the bass and drums to sound so huge in such a short space of time", and Liam is really starting to shine as a bass player. But I was only stroking their ego's with those comments to let them Know I appreciate what they are doing in the band if they happen to read these replys.

I just like letting everyone in the band know I love what their doing cause I'm chuffed. And I just think if you think someone is good at something, and you respect it, you should let them know.

Oh yeah, glad you liked it.:rock:
Enigma_nocturnus, I seriously wonder, would you send me the samples you used for the drums? Also, whereabouts in Aus are you from?

Do you have an msn id so we can keep in touch via messenger?

Btw, i would appreciate it if you would go find the thread I posted with demos from my band, and have a listen. Very different style of music, but I'd be as interested to hear from you as you were from the rest of us.
Iblys said:
Alright...... so how nice do i have to be to you for you to share your drum samples? also, how many pieces is that kit that you're emulating?

Hehehehe, I dunno man. That's Bens field, I aint touching that one.
But I can say that it wouldn't be hard at all to find some really good drum samples on the net somewhere if you're willing to spend the time looking. The samples are from an Alesis drum module.

Pieces, hmmmm. Well, it would be 2 kicks, probably 3 toms, a snare, 2 crashes maybe, a ride.
Probably around a 7 or 8 piece man, but don't quote me.

But seriousley, if you know your shit with mixing and e.q, you can make a really rank drum sound sound pretty hot.
So if your drum samples are pretty decent, then that's what you want.... cause it means you will have to use far less e.q work which is what you want in a recording situation. The first thing any studio guy who's worth his wait in gold albums will tell is "use as little e.q as possible, and only where necessary".

Hope that helps..... by the way. Where abouts in Melbourne are you??
Iblys said:
Enigma_nocturnus, I seriously wonder, would you send me the samples you used for the drums? Also, whereabouts in Aus are you from?

Do you have an msn id so we can keep in touch via messenger?

Btw, i would appreciate it if you would go find the thread I posted with demos from my band, and have a listen. Very different style of music, but I'd be as interested to hear from you as you were from the rest of us.

Yeah it's not really up to me to send the samples as they are Ben's, and they are actually the Unthroned drum sounds. He uses those exact samples in the band.

I would be happy to download your bands demo if you send me the link. It will have to wait till tommorrow probably though cause I am at work and while I could download at a pich(this computer is majorely slow and shit) I could not listen to it, cause there are no speakers here.

But send me the link and as soon as I get the chance I will download it and give you some feedback.

Oh yeah, I'm in Tassie.
I'm from Melbourne dude.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, which suburb??

Yeah, ask Dave(yayo) when he replies next. He will be able to tell you exactly how big the kit is.
I can also tell you the drum kit is called the LM9, and don't quote me but I think it is a cubase drum kit. You can load whatever samples you want in it.
Opet said:
< criticism >

Can the singer do clean vocals well? I realize that might be out of the question, but it may sound better. The death vocals are OK, but... At first they sounds good, a bit In Flamesy. Then it gets a little worse. The lower growls, like at 1:38, aren't as good as the higher ones IMO.

[No, cleans aren't really Luke's strong point. I really want to do cleans in the parts that beckon there be cleans. But it will just be a matter of whether I can sing and play guitar at the same time. I'm a bit of an unco like that.
High screams are definately Luke's strong point, but they are nowhere near what he's capable of on that demo though. He's still finding his voice again really.]


Secondly, the guitars are great. They don't sound muddy or too simple. The riffs seem hard to do (but what do I know) and there seems to be a good variety of ideas. There's something I heard a few times that sounded weird. It sounded like a girl scream for a second. (at 1:59 and 2:09) Weird = Good for me.

[hahahaha, fuck that made me laugh. Perhaps you have planted ideas in our heads now. Perhaps we will commission a girlfriend to come in and scream for us in those parts. It might be just what the song needs:)]


Thirdly, the bass is pretty sweet. Not overly done (like some would say Morningrise is), but heard throughout. I like that. It's not slow and boring...something I feel too often about bassist. I like it when a song surprises you and everything stops for a second and the bass has like a 5 second solo. For instance, the bit at 5:40 could have been done like that......or not!



And Finally, the drums are programmed? I happened to see mention of that by mistake. I wouldn't haven guessed. Some pretty cool ideas there also. I can't say I know what it takes to program drums compared to actually playing them. There are several parts I really like and only a few scarce ideas I don't care for. The majority of it, I really liked.


Overall, if you want a 1-10, I'd give it a 7 to be honest. The eerie beginning at 0:54 is cool, when the heavier guitar comes in, but the wind noises sound sort of bad. When the vox start, it's good, but after a while they loose something. They sound too strained perhaps.

I know that's not what you hoped to hear. There are so many really good parts I didn't focus on. I figure you need to hear these things first. If I didn't mention it, then let's just say, to me it was very well done and I wouldn't change it.

[Man, that's exactly the stuff we hoped to hear. Thanx for giving such a detailed response.:muahaha:]

</ criticism >

BTW, is the song supposed to be 7:00 minutes long? Mine stops there...abruptly. I didn't read much of what was written already, so I don&#8217;t know if you were going for a Serenity Painted Death idea. ;) I tried to keep my opinions as unbiased as possible by not reading the other statements.

[The song is 8:22 I believe.]
enigma_nocurnus said:
I'm from Melbourne dude.

Yeah, which suburb??

Yeah, ask Dave(yayo) when he replies next. He will be able to tell you exactly how big the kit is.
I can also tell you the drum kit is called the LM9, and don't quote me but I think it is a cubase drum kit. You can load whatever samples you want in it.[/QUOTE]
1 Kick drum
3 Toms
1 open hihat
1 closed hihat
1 cymbal
1 ride
1 snare

Thats it for this kit... rather limited really. A single wav sample for each drum. And yes it's using the LM-9 plugin which comes with most steinberg products (cubase, nuendo) that i've seen. Theres drum samples all over the net, a lot taken straight from similar trigger units, probably even the exact same unit. But iblys, its far better to look for the drum samples yourself, listen to music similar to what you are making and try and copy the drum sounds. A lot work comes in the mixing though, for example: a good kick drum sound wont matter if you crowd that EQ range with guitars and bass..

This thread got a lot of replies very quickly!!

And trent, the reason i was saying to not write so much is because of how it was taken by a few people, obviously including Nugent. Keep replies reasonably quick and to the point ;) And if people post criticism then justify your reaction to yourself and the band, not necessarily to them (other than a quick reply :p ).

I know you're thankful for the criticism, and so do they now, but when a single statement about the bass recieves a large reply against it then it can be offputting for the person. It can also mean other people who mightve had something to say won't say it.

One more addition. The best things about the drums is that they are written by a drummer and first and foremost written on drums. If you arent a drummer, or you try and write drums straight into a computer then it will suffer i imagine. Most of the time Ben plays the same as whats programmed, including fills and rolls and such.
A lot work comes in the mixing though, for example: a good kick drum sound wont matter if you crowd that EQ range with guitars and bass..]


a large reply against it then it can be offputting for the person. It can also mean other people who mightve had something to say won't say it. ]


-I'm still not really sure why people think I was saying something against(Iblys) I think it was when he commented about the bass. All I did was elaborate on what you said about how the bass is done in Unthroned. And that's only because I love it so much.

The bass in the band is equally as important to me as anything else.
I just wanted to talk it up a little cause bass gets forgotten about in so many bands.
Not really 'against' him. But you didnt really accept his comments... or more accurately didnt appear to. Its nothing major, I just didnt think the 'elaboration' was really necessary. Most of the stuff you said in your reply is only of interest to us, not to the person making the criticism. If that makes sense..

Accept criticism, thank them for their input and give a gentle pointer of how you've taken it (ie whether its relevant, or whether you think its entirely accurate). Thats all thats really needed, keep the rest of the stuff as food for thought for us, which is what criticism should be.
YaYo said:
Accept criticism, thank them for their input and give a gentle pointer of how you've taken it (ie whether its relevant, or whether you think its entirely accurate). Thats all thats really needed, keep the rest of the stuff as food for thought for us, which is what criticism should be.

Yeah Trent... Jesus ;)

Iblys, I went to Uni in Bundoora. La Trobe.
YaYo said:
Not really 'against' him. But you didnt really accept his comments... or more accurately didnt appear to. Its nothing major, I just didnt think the 'elaboration' was really necessary. Most of the stuff you said in your reply is only of interest to us, not to the person making the criticism. If that makes sense..

Accept criticism, thank them for their input and give a gentle pointer of how you've taken it (ie whether its relevant, or whether you think its entirely accurate). Thats all thats really needed, keep the rest of the stuff as food for thought for us, which is what criticism should be.

It's not really making a lot of sense to me about speaking about how the bass is doen with the rest of the band seen as how you guys are all there when it's written basically.
I elaborated on it to Iblys, and asked if maybe he had the time he could listen to it again and see if he could hear what I was talking about. Which he did, which I think is pretty cool.

And please, can someone tell me what I said that made it appear as if I took offense to what Iblys or anyone said???
If I sound hostile or something in some comment, quote it and then I will let you know exactly what I meant by it. This is just getting to me now cause I haven't been the slightest bit pissed by anyone's comments

[@Requiem..... Yeah Trent... Jesus ;)]

You are too mouthy Ben.
By the way, got your Pm.
Thanx for downloading. It's pretty cool you mentioned the Dissection bit cause that was exactly what I was going for with that section.