Check out my band Nylus!


Jan 17, 2005
We're a thrash metal band from Ventura, Ca. This is my first post on these forums, so I thought I'd just let you, the real metal fans, listen to our stuff. Our influences range from the big four (Megadeth, Metallica) to some not as popular but still brutal (Exodus, Testament). But we got some shit that's sure to make your brain rattle in your skull! So, hope you like it, and feel free to comment here or on the myspace. Thank you. I'm KC by the way.
It's quite good (I only listened to Forsaken Grounds). I like the guitar riffs, the playing is quite professionnal. I may be wrong, but it looked like you are using a electronic drum. I tell this cause of the sound of the symbals. If I'm right, which program do u use? Also, watch out for,a little before the end of the solo, the fast lick is real good, but not so clean at the end. But the solo is overall real good. When are you planning to put vocals on these?
Hehe, it's an instrumental, so no vocals will be needed. There's vocals on the other tracks though. Yes, the drums aren't real, and we're gonna replace the cymbals with real ones. "Raise the Guillotine" has real drums, though. You can probably tell. What we do is we go on GP4 (I'm sure you know what that is) and make the drums on there. Afterwards, we put the drums through a program called Groove Agent and make them sound the way we want them to. The only bad thing about it is that the cymbals sound really bootleg and fake. Oh, and don't worry, our drummer fucking rips! He'll have absolutely no problem mimicing those drums.
Hey I live in Ventura too; I thought all we had were pussy Blink 182 clones. Let me know if you're playing any shows.
Hehe, yeah, we thought the same thing. Actually most of the shit around here is that 805 punk rock bullshit. But hey, when we play a show, you'll be the first to know.
Any of you guys go to VC? Maybe I've seen you around, it's a small campus and the metalheads are fairly easy to spot.
That's some good shit... I'd go to see you guys if you ever make it to the east coast :zipit:
Damn, i dint even play till I left high school - that's a damn fine start
Keep on rockin
ChurchofMetal said:
Actually, we're not out of high school yet. I'm 17 and I go to VHS. But anyways, what do you think of the music, Mormagil?

Overall it's really good. I think the vocals could use some more ferocity, but other than that, :headbang:
wow, so far everyone's said the same thing about my vocals. I guess I know now what to take into consideration. But anyways, thanks for being honest and commenting on the stuff.