Check out my new mix!


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Hi everyone!

This mix is not supposed to be released. Actually just for fun. I'm pretty happy because this was not very easy. Curious to know what you think and what you'd change!

I did not record this song. The DIs and some vocal tracks were pretty crappy sometimes (no DI for the guitar solo) but the result is not that bad imho. Guitars are 5153 + VS8100 (left) and 6505 + VS8100 (right). Kick and toms are replaced (only got trigger tracks for these ones) and snare is 50/50. I did a lot of work on the OHs because they were not well recorded (bad sounding, a shit load of bleed, really low level and bad edits)
Sounds pretty good to me. Punchy, clear, balanced. I really don't hear the weak or vocals overheads at all, they sound fine. The guitar tone is great.

Though, I would probably bring up the overheads a little bit in the mix. If you add a tape saturator or something on them I think it'll help add some more life to them. And, it would be nice to have more drum samples I guess, but I mean, whatever, the triggered kit sound is fine, at the very least it's consistent.
I want to kill my self! Lol. I wonder if some day I'll mix 50% as well as most of the people on this forum. I love your mix, man. All is in place, with air. Awesome, seriously. The only thing (and this isn't a critic) I would put some clank sound of bass guitar, but is my taste. Congrats.