My best mix so Far!!! CHECK IT OUT :)

Cheers for all the nice comments :)

I sat down with the band today and we wen through the songs and we did a few changes. I lowered the kick a bit, but i didnt eq it. I kind of like it when it is quite strong in the 100hz area oppose to a metal mix. And i balanced the levels of the synth vs the guitars in the chorus.
And the vocals are a bit higher now, i thought it was quite well balanced but for a pop mix i can agree that it could have been slightly higher.

There should be no timing issues on the drums because they are quantized so maby your mind playing tricks on you?? But feel free to post out where you feel it is :)

I'll post the mix when it is mastered and done later!!!
The synth makes the guitar sound like its only being run 50% through a impulse.
But other than that, I can dig.

Also, i feel as if this song could sound a lot better if they upped the tempo a little bit.
But that's not your problem. haha
There should be no timing issues on the drums because they are quantized so maby your mind playing tricks on you?? But feel free to post out where you feel it is :)

From 1:05 there are some issues with the hats being really behind the kick/snare, making it sound off-time. Also some of the 'pickup' kicks like at 1:11 sound a bit weird.