My best mix so Far!!! CHECK IT OUT :)


Jun 20, 2007

So i think i've really got it this time. Acoustic drums, rockish kind'of band. This is not mastered yet, really hot mix hehe...

Tracked through Crane Song Spider,
Beta 52a on the kick.
AudioT. ATm450 on snare and toms.
Oktava mk-012 on OH and
Peluso 2247LE on mono room.

Guitars where Orange Rockverb through Orange 4x12.

I gladly answer any questions regarding the mix.

Cheers / Christian
Ooo really awesome mix and cool song.
But maybe try do more flat kick - for me this one is too clicky, but it all depends on the taste :)
Lovin' the snare sound :)
great job!
holy shit!!!

great work.

Synth sounds AWSOME.

But to be honest I would have mixed that totaly different.
I would be all about CLA style for this. With the most epic snare you can think of :)
Thanks guys :)

Opinions are welcome but as many of you said its all about taste :)

I kind of always end up pushing the bassdrum really hard, seems to be "my" style (listen to my myspace hehe), some of you my not like it because it is on the verge of pumping but i kind of like it, give a certain attitude and punch to the drums.

The snare, i can't remember which he used, but i have it sampled so i can post it later if you like :)

It is really fun to work with real drums, you need to see the whole picture. For example allot of the snare comes from the overheads, and the tom microphones give the snare some sort of short room feeling (they are not gated), and also a bit of the snare ring comes from the mono room which is quite hard compressed. That way certain microphones can be a little bit more scooped and a little bit more pushed with compression then using only samples for instance the snare mic' is quite scooped and the OH's give back a little bit of the mids.

Thanks for listening!!!

And btw.. try the AudioTechnica ATm 450 on snare, it is perfect for smackabang, this is the proof of it :)

I like your style of mix. However I find that the vocal needs 'in the face' approach IMO.
Do you mix thru limiter?
I like your style of mix. However I find that the vocal needs 'in the face' approach IMO.
Do you mix thru limiter?

Ok, i will have a listen with the band after this weekend so how we do about the vocals.

No, not mixing through a limiter, this one is a little bit to hot, i usually back down the fader -10db but i didnt and was to lazy to do it all over again (compressors etc)
No, not mixing through a limiter, this one is a little bit to hot, i usually back down the fader -10db but i didnt and was to lazy to do it all over again (compressors etc)[/QUOTE]

What i meant was that usually before i start to mix i drag down ALL the faders -10db's to avoid clipping. Usually when you don't, the mix tends to get to "hot" and some of the faders may clip in PT = bad.
I wish there were bands around my area like this.. Good work!

Love that guitar tone :)
Really cool vibe, smooth singer as well. I like the mix, its not your "norm" for this type of music.
I gotcha, I was confused because you said fader and I thought you were referring to the master fader.
Dude you're quickly becoming one of my favourite mixers on this forum. Seriously amazing stuff.

Few things:
Kick drum is pumping and slightly distorting it all, a little too much around 100-200hz imo, and a little too loud.
A few timing issues with the drums, but not that noticeable.
The synth/guitars are a little too loud IMO, and really bright. Whenever they first come in I get the impression of the whole mix distorting and going to shit, and then after a couple seconds I realise it's all under control. If this is what you want then awesome, but I think it distracts from the song a little too much and makes the vocals sound buried.