My latest production / Rock n roll


Jun 20, 2007
Hi guys,

Thought i would share my latest production with you :) Really talented guys here, only 17-19years old.

Recorded with Crane Song spider preamps. Sm57 on snare and toms, Oktava mk-012 on OH, Hihat miced from underneath with a Sm57. Kick 100% Replaced.

Guitars where Peavey triple X + JSX recorded with Engl Pro 4x12 + Mesa Boogie 2x12, which complements each others superb :).
We could have chose EMG 81 but instead we chose humbuckers, where a little bit more open then the EMG's.

Vocals where recorded with Peluso 2247 LE, and again i cant point out how good this microphone sounds. Almost no EQ, just 1176 compressed to hell and reverb and delay.

Cheers / Christian
Thnks man, Good samples i guess. 2 samples blended. 1 with more mids and allot of attack and nr 2 more subish. I didnt use slate but Kick 5 sounds kind of rock to me so try that one :)
Hey Christian

Sounds really good....

Would you mind sharing some details about the vox (espacially post processing : verb / delay) ....


I would say that its pretty much all about the microphone here. Peluso 2247Le with Spider preamp ITB 1176 slammed hard 20-30db GR then a Desser. I use redline for reverb, and Waves Delay, i also have allot of doubbler on the vox, more then i normally have, thought it fit the music.

@Goddamn Guitar. Thnks man :) But the mesa is here to stay :P
I think the snare could use some work, its quite distant

Everything else sounds good. The mix as a whole is quite cloudy though, I think because of the guitars.

When i mastered the song it pushed up the reverbs and lowered the snare a bit, so im gonna take care of that --> lower the reverb on snare and vox.


Its a custom desk, built by myself :)