My latest production. Crane Song spide etc..


Jun 20, 2007

Wanted to share my latest production. I went after a more of AIC kind of a vibe, quite large mix, with good bottom end. Everything is recorded through my Crane Song spider :)

I would say the snare is 70% real blended with samples. Can really say that my Spider definitely added some high end shine in the upper register inoverheads (Oktava mk-012).

Guitars are Triple X and JSX with a Engl PRO cab. 2 sm57 alá Fredman style :)
Recorded with a gibson, so it has a nice crunch to it.

Bass is recorded line in through the spider, and processed in PT.

Vocals are recorded with Peluso 2247Le (what an awesome mic') Almost no eq, perhaps 3db overall :)

Feel free to comment and i'll try to answer asap.
Digg the vocal sound you've got going, the guitars and kick aren't my favorite but whatcanyado. The snare sounds kind of disconnected from the mix, maybe a little too loud or something? Can't really put my finger on it.
Sounds good but there's a bit too much contrast between the snare and kick, in that the snare sounds real and is pretty forward in the mix, whereas the kick sounds replaced and distant. I think that once this is resolved the mix will be a lot more homogeneous.
Ok, thnks guys I appreciate it :) I thought that not everyone would dig the snare haha

Well i wanted to go with that "real" snare sound, and a real snare is kind of boxy if you dont eq it allot :) And i can agree that the contrast between the kick and the snare is perhaps a bit to much, but i kind of dig when the kick is in the background, atleast in this production.

For guitars we went for a less distorted sound, they had allot of coloring chords going on so i had to go for clarity then aggressive distortion. At first we tried a fender (cheap one) and thank god we changed it for the gibson.

And for the vocals.. I mixed the background vox louder but the band wanted it lower, so what can you do :loco:

Gitarrerna känns lite för scoopade och låga i mixen, virveln sticker ut lite för mycket (chilla liiite på ringet), kicken kan få lite mer smack-mids och lite mindre tsch-highmids (tsch, som det låter altså haha).
Bra jobbat annars!
I can appreciate going for a more raw snare sound, but I think you are doing the mix a disservice by leaving the snare this way. I'd EQ a bit of the boxiness out or blend a bit more sample in.

Otherwise I think this is a cool mix. A nice natural, raw sound...And I don't think that would change if you upped the amount of snare sample.