Check out Soul Forlorn

Soul Forlorn

May 15, 2001
Illinois, USA
Hello everyone. Soul Forlorn is my recording project. I am basically a one man band. The music is kind of a mix of goth/death/doom metal interlaced with acoustic passages and ambient sections. The music is influenced by Opeth, Iron Maiden, Vintersorg, Fates Warning, Morgion, Novembers Doom, My Dying Bride, etc. It is very melodic and has lots of guitar harmony lines.
Most songs are instrumentals but most songs from this point on will have vocals(death/goth style).

Check it out at

Thanks! I welcome all feedback!
Hello everyone. I have a new song on called "A Bird In a Robe of Black". Also, I have another song called "Away With The Breeze" that has been on for maybe a month now. I'm wondering if any of you would be so kind as to listen to these songs, or any other of my songs for that matter, and give me some feedback. Also, for those of you already familiar with my material could you let me know what you like the best and least in my songs. I post this not to get high on the charts but to get an idea of what musical direction I should concentrate on. I would really appreciate it and I'd just like to say you guys are great. Ultimate Metal forums rule!

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