Check out the new Jag Panzer publicity photos!


Sep 14, 2001
Some new stuff for you all to critique! Go here to see all the newly approved images from Century Media:




Jean-Pierre said:
Ehhh, Mark, Chris, I'm so sorry, but I CAN'T say I'm a big fan of these photos. :erk:
Oh well,
Maybe next time. I appreciate the fact that you give your opinion without bagging on them.
take care, Chris.
Chris_Broderick said:
Oh well,
Maybe next time. I appreciate the fact that you give your opinion without bagging on them.
take care, Chris.

Hey man, thanks for understanding. It's just a bit too modern of a look for me, y'know what I mean? But more power to ya guys for doing what you want. :headbang:
Regardless of the controversy surounding Harry's new image (I could care less how he wears his hair or if he chooses to paint his nails black)... I think the photos look fantastic! Great framing and camera positioning, and the poses the band are in look cool too. I also like the use of the blue light in the background of the first pic as well. My only (minor) complaint is the way Harry's sitting on the barrel in the second photo: I think his left leg shouldn't be off to the side like that, it should be straight up like his right leg to give the picture a more symmetrical look. Other than that, very nice job..,

That's my two cents...
Maybe next time Harry can get hair extensions like Kevin DuBrow! :yuk: Personally, I'd like to see Harry get mullet extensions, but that's just me! :erk:

The music is still good, and that's what counts.
i don't like any of the pics. the band looks like a nu/hardcore band.
purely as far as the look is concerned - i don't like it.
the music might be ok - that's another subject.
also the firey barell - is cheesy.

my 2 euro cents.

nail paint and dog collars are likely to win you no fans.
the musis is too old school to appeal to nu kids.
and yeah it kind of puts a subconscious fear in me that JP might go nu or ight try to do a second dissident allience :p :puke:
Hey, those are some fantastic pictures! And it shouldn't matter how they look, I mean I've heard some of the WORST music in my life from bands who are entirely dependent on their overall look. Every nu-metal and hardcore band in the past 4 years comes to mind and then quickly vanishes... JP still has the heavy metal sound they started with, and it's evolved to an even more powerful sound than before. This is of course my opinion, and if you disagree I honestly don't care. :rolleyes:
Watching those pictures it gives me a great frustration. I already expressed my opinion. But what you do is because of what you are. And you are not Nevermore or Static X. You are much better. You need no pictures. You can even make an album without any of them (like Fourth Judgement and Thane to the throne-at least not on the vinils).
I support Jag Panzer. I do not support these fotos and i think it is a "commercial" movement that will not bring any new "fans" in the camp. You are metal dammit,what the hell you need modern pictures for?
Up the Panzers (that sounds cool ahah)
I like the photos in a technical sense, they're really done great!
But as Phaeton already said, I too think the image, especially Harry's, is too much oriented towards (presumably) nu audience prevailing in the USA.

Then again, I can always choose not to look at these photos and turn any JP album up to 11 and "blow my speakers" :D JP still kicks major ass!
Jean-Pierre said:
Harry needs to bring back the killer mullet he had going a few years back. :worship:
Now that I agree with!!! He also acted very different on stage when he had long hair(more head banging).