Chris Broderick / Jag Panzer pix

I'm not going/didn't go sadly. When I saw them, they fuckin' rocked and I would have loved to see 'em again. Though, my funds are severely lacking. :(

Oh well, i'll live. But I already have my Nevermore ticket! I would sell my left testicle to see that show, so i'm going to that one for sure! w00t!
Indeed he is, Thane to the Thron is a great album, and his work on that is amazing. I met him once after the Jag Panzer/In Flames/Iced Earth tour, standing right next to him outside by the bus and didn't even realize it until someone asked for his autograph. I just turned and said "Holy Shit! You're fucking incredible!!!!!" he just laughed and said thanks, cool guy
Here is some pix I took of Jag on friday...They kicked Helloweens ass!!!


