Check out this cool riff I wrote!


Carebear stare!
Dec 3, 2003
I know that I'm a guitar n00b and I'm no metal mastermind like Eric Peterson or Dave Mustaine, but I think that I just wrote a pretty damn cool riff! I goes like this:
(I have the strings labeled right, right?)

h = hammer on

What do y'all think? Just wonderin'. I just had to post it, because I feel so proud that I wrote my first riff that I think is really cool :headbang: . If you think it sux, don't rip on me too bad.
dude (and this is not a rip on you), everyone and their mother plays that same riff at some point. and they play variations on it. and play it in different spots up and down the fretboard.
Congrats on your first riff. In a few years you'll look back on that riff though and realize how simple it is, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere. :cool:

At least you are trying to write music. Enjoy your instrument.
dude (and this is not a rip on you), everyone and their mother plays that same riff at some point. and they play variations on it. and play it in different spots up and down the fretboard.

I was expecting to hear something like that (I'm not insulted or anything, it's good constructive criticism.) My mom doesn't play that riff, but she probably could, and that's what scares me! :loco: And I agree, we all must start somewhere.

It's good to be proud of your own shit.

Yep! :headbang:

Creativity is a struggle keep on struggling!
I know that very well! Cuz I am an artist (not a musician artist, well not yet, but I draw a lot and I'm actually quite good) and the hardest thing to do, is to come up with something totally unique and original, with nothing before that has ever been like it. Creativity is a struggle... but I love it!
pest666 said:
dude (and this is not a rip on you), everyone and their mother plays that same riff at some point. and they play variations on it. and play it in different spots up and down the fretboard.

Geez Pest...nice:Smug:

Right on Razorhead! I'm just starting to play also...but I'm not quite to the experimental stage yet....soon though! Keep it up!:Spin:
he posted it, he wanted honesty...... did you want me to lie? I played that same exact riff (well, let's just leave it at a long, loooong time) ago, so what do you want me to say? I didn't tear him to shreds, did I?
I agree with you pest. I'm just starting out with the guitar and it doesn't really surprise me all that much that he played the same riff when he was starting out too. My philosophy is that it's better to get honesty, and be told that you're no genius, than to receive false praise, and live a lie.

I like experiment with my guitar. I like to create my own stuff rather than drawing or playing stuff that's someone else's. And what I really hate when I see/hear someone else's stuff and then forget about it for some length of time, and then I regurgitate it later thinking it's my own at first. :puke: