check out this review of the first slipknot CD

Originally posted by bleedingfilth
I actually liked Korn's first album...then they just started going down hill pretty much after their 3rd cd.
Untouchables is one of the most horrible cds I have EVER heard

My sentiments exactly. :)

:lol: At the review.
"Still, this album is a must-own for anyone who enjoys good, brutal death metal. "

"unquestionably one of the most violent, twisted and sick releases in a long time. "

What the Hell? :o
he craps on for a paragraph how crap the sound is then gives the production 8/10......dumbarse review

Although i do like some of slipknot's songs.
yeh. numetal itself isnt as anoying as the fans that think they are underground and hardcore for listening to shit on fucking ozzfest. i mean damn. thats pretty fucking mainstreem. but they just dont get it haha.
agree'd , its really sad how bands turn to shit , just too ''please'' the majority of their fans or make the money. It happened to Metallica ( even though they deny it ) Slipknot ( belive it or not but they had some really good songs off of ''Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat'' ) Goo Dolls and countless others but the one iam most ashamed of is In Flames :( :(
@poet: I couldn't have said it better myself regarding In Flames. I couldn't believe they took that step just to please the majority, and shrug off the minority who supported them from day 1. I still don't see how people respect metallica anymore when they do things like song duos with Jay-Z........:Puke:
Originally posted by neal
yeh. numetal itself isnt as anoying as the fans that think they are underground and hardcore for listening to shit on fucking ozzfest. i mean damn. thats pretty fucking mainstreem. but they just dont get it haha.

Seriously, I mean, P.O.D. was on Ozzfest. How the fuck can you call that "hardcore"? I mean, half of the time they're preaching about abortion, other half just rapping bullshit...
Originally posted by Trapped
First of all, you're a dumbass. That's not the first Slipknot cd.

no need for hostility dude,as a matter of fact I was aware of mate rape kill blah blah blah.But it doesnt matter,you dont need to get all defensive, youre taking it WAY too seriously, like a....~dare I say a nu-metal fan.
haha. about in flames....i still like RTR. every other IF album is better for sure but its still decent enough. theres a few songs on there i fucking hate though.
Originally posted by Greenwater_Pond
@poet: I couldn't have said it better myself regarding In Flames. I couldn't believe they took that step just to please the majority, and shrug off the minority who supported them from day 1. I still don't see how people respect metallica anymore when they do things like song duos with Jay-Z........:Puke:

Yes at one time IF was one of my fav bands , and i could slowly see them changing into money greedy fuckers! :( and when RTR came out i lost ALL respect for them.

And for the tallica shit , fuck them too. Iam not even gonna talk about how much i depise them.

I meen remember when u d/l a song of RTR or poped the album in and where like WHAT THE FUCK?? Is this my beloved In Flames?????? :( music moves on and anthor great band will arise from the ashes and then sellout like the majority.