Cheers and Jeers Thread

- Glenn, Cindy, Shane, and all the crew!
- The awesome bands! Hands down th best PP ever! Even better than III, imo!
- The screens in the lobby with the live feeds! THANK YOU!!!
- The good people
- Cheers for friends, old and new - you make this event special every year!
- Cheers to some of my dear friends: Adam, Urban & Shaye, Rick, MetalRose, Andy, Bobby & Kelley, J-Man, and Norman & Christine. I love you more than you know!
- Kate & Corbin from Vainglory for making the backstage experience very pleasant. You are very delightful folks and it was a pleasure to meet you! And thanks Kate, I owe ya! ;)
- Gus G for being a true gentleman, a good friend, and an inspiring musician. You are wonderful!
- Damian for taking the time to discuss the appropriateness of the dancer and to apologize whole-heartedly many times over. After talking with the man for a couple of hours (much of which is on a video somewhere..) it is apparent that he is a kind soul that meant NO harm at all.
- Cheers to Redemption for all the fun jokes Saturday night! I love you guys!
- Lance gets many cheers for many things! He's always totally cool.
- Cheers for seeing Ian wear his Texas Madfest shirt! I asked him, "You wearing that because it was clean or what?" He said it was because he had a good time! That made me feel real good, thanks bro!
- "Mattias Kitchen Band"
- Meeting Communic in the airport and getting to talk with them throughout the weekend.
- Pizza in the Vinyl!!! Wish it lasted all weekend...
- The AWESOME tape on the stairs and those who put it there! I love you!
- The great lights and those who put them in better places! I love you too! lol!
- The PP Lanyards!
- Flaming swords!!!!!
- THE CLINICS! Wow, what a treat! That was fabulous and I hope this will become a permanent fixture to the PP weekend!
- Oliva & Karaoke! No words....!
- Zakk, thanks for the good conversation!
- Dendura & Dimmu Borgir on the sampler disc!
- Cheers for the Residence Inn! Despite a hiccup with our reservation, which they made up to us with Executive Level suites, they were more than awesome to us all weekend! Chris the late-night desk man is great! He put up with us, laughed with us, and was genuinely pleasant, as well as the rest of th staff! Thanks to them for letting us sit up on their patio all night long and make as much noise as possible! I'm staying there again next year for this alone! No police busting up parties, our talking and fun not bothering anyone else (especially crew or bands), and not being told to be quiet by staff!
- The women's room attendant! I saw the place before she arrived :zombie:
- The PPIX announcement! Glenn, after the issue with the dancer (before I knew you had nothing to do with it), I was ready to never come back again, however your lineup for next year solidified my annual return for as many years as possible! You truly have paid attention to your audience with choices like Riverside, Elvenking, Iron Savior, Spheric Universe Experience. I'm personally delighted by those last two and have been begging for them for months! I can't wait to see if my other pleas have been answered!


- Wishing I had more endurance.
- Knowing I'll prolly edit this list 17 times. :loco:
Chris the late-night desk man is great!

Indeed, that guy was awesome. Everyone on the staff this year was very polite.

And we had no idea that people were hanging out on the patio until we left to catch a train at 5 AM Sunday morning. If we had known, we probably would have wandered down, especially after Saturday's show, when we decided that it would just be easier to stay up after getting back to the hotel at almost 3 AM. I'll have to remember this for next year.

Can't believe I forgot THIS ONE!

- That crazy drunk dude on the left side towards the back during Pagan's Mind. If you watched PM from the seats you probably witnessed this guy and his comedy stylings. I was in tears laughing so hard at him the whole time. Please tell me somebody else got a kick out of watching this idiot.

Are you referring to The Michael? I think I'm allergic to his hair. :lol:

- Kate & Corbin from Vainglory for making the backstage experience very pleasant. You are very delightful folks and it was a pleasure to meet you! And thanks Kate, I owe ya! ;)

Damn, I didn't know Kate was there. Normally, I'd never miss seeing someone that hot. ;)

- The music was awesome, especially Saturday night. Great lineup as always.

- Meeting great people who enjoy this music, including the bands just hanging outside on the sidewalk. See my related post on the Friday lunch at Front Page News.

- Finding out the bands for next year (10 of the 12 at least). Cool video and sound bites. (Someone really worked hard to do that! Is it posted anywhere?)

- Buying TONS of CDs. It was like a kid in a candy store. Yet again I spent around $250.


- The Damian incident.

- The All-Star Jam wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be (though Pagan's Mind were very nice to help out).

- The sound SUCKED! What was wrong with the microphones all f'ing night long? Guitars and amps not working right. Sound mixes were horrible. The kicker was when Floor's microphone didn't work during the first rendition of "Final Countdown". I think this year had the most technical glitches of the three years that I've been going to PP.

- The camera policy wasn't enforced. Why have one when no one gave a shit about enforcing it? Lots of cameras were out there. Yeah, there were the professional photographers with their SLRs and the like, but there were tons of point-and-shoots.

- Smoking in the venue. If you want to smoke, please go outside on the sidewalk. Also - if you want to drink, don't spill it on the floor. That floor was a nasty sticky mess.

- The lights were much less annoying than last year, but at times they were still in my eyes.

- Going overtime again. Ending at 3 AM on Saturday is annoying. I would have been happy for the whole thing to end when After Forever was done with their set. Starting early is NOT a problem for me. Ending very late is. (Besides, we want to party afterwards!)

no offense, but you could have left if you were tired. i'm betting the rest of us mostly appreciated the extra couple hours of show time.

no offense, either, but it seems all your jeers are about issues common and expected at just about any show ever done ever. but oh well. hopefully you had fun despite it!
Alright. sorta new on here. this was my 2nd progpower, the first being the one with nightwish.


- everyone in the crew and promotion busting their asses while we all rocked out without having to do work.
- damian with his guest. yeah it was over the top, but who the hell cares. NOT ME.
- communic guitarist/singer. real cool guy, talked with him for a bit at the granada. class act.
- bagels
- the bands, even the ones that i thought sucked, still putting energy into it and showing us a good time.
- the dude (i forget your name man, my apologies) who let me play his guitar at the granada nice axe.
- all the cool people i met this time. the age barrier wasn't there this time and everyone was really cool. jen, lotar, jerry, emuliano, rich, cristen, amber, paul, metal rose, etc etc etc.
- every one who came up to me and told me i have great hair. yeah, i do, and i know, but the compliments were nice. (lol)
- the guy who was in the men's bathroom handing out towels and putting incense up. that dude gets the award for most thankless job of the night and should have been tipped more.
- alchohol

- virgin steele. normally i'd have to give props to someone who looks like they are 50 and starving for putting on a leopard vest and leather pants in front of people, but in this case it just made them even worse.
- the 2 mile walk from the granada back to my hotel, the days inn, way the hell down the street. it didn't seem so far of a drive...
- smoking
- that bartender girl, the asian one. how many fuckin times do i have to tip you? just give me my damn change and be happy that i graced you with my business. just because you're somewhat attractive and dressed up all slutty doesn't mean you pwn.
- ATMs.
- that guy outside who kept asking if anyone wanted tickets. fuck no, man. you asked me that 5 minutes previously and i won't change my mind. also, there was no ATM where you said there would be. lame.
- fart bombers.
- the door i smashed my face into during the night while i tried to find the bathroom. WHO THE HELL PUTS A DOOR THERE?
- $4 PBRs. jesus.

i'm sure there's more of both but to be honest i'm at work right now and should probably be doing actual, you know, work, so... yeah, off to that.
Oh yeah, one last Jeer:

Hallway Parties outside my Granada hotel door at 4:30am in the morning! Come on people...SOME people want to sleep because they have a flight at 11am the next morning.

Lol, then staying at the Granada was a bad call.. You should've seen it LAST year.. Our party was so raging on Friday night we took up the whole 3rd floor.
Oh yeah, one last Jeer:

Hallway Parties outside my Granada hotel door at 4:30am in the morning! Come on people...SOME people want to sleep because they have a flight at 11am the next morning.

Well, that's one of the things ProgPower is notorious for. Parties until early in the morning. I think everyone who goes to ProgPower should be used to that by now. There is no point in complaining.

Had you been at the Granada last year on the third floor, you would've probably had a nervous breakdown because of the partying. Guess what, it was one of the highlights of the entire weekend for everyone.

To give you an idea, I had the flight as well early and I was partying until 5:45am (not at the granada though). Woke up at 8:30. There are worse things to do in life than that. lol

Glenn and shane
Meeting cindy
Getting to see peeps again after another year
Nice corner room at the Granada
Primal fear is my new favorite band
Threshold is my new favorite band
Chris and björn for always taking the time for pix :)
Vanden plas is still my favorite band
Chickenkiller and his stylish poultry attire & dawn-nice talking with you :)
Boob-you’re a sweetie :)
Firewind is my new favorite band
Seeing jon oliva again
Standing by the guy filming so I can get a nice clear pic of the band from his monitor
Knowing I wasn’t going deaf during the first version of the ‘final countdown’
Getting a hug from wayniac
thank you mare and husband for letting me rest my footsies in the seat next to you during the jam
People watching


Smoke ick :zombie:
Airing my clothes out after the show and forgetting to bring febreeze
Not getting to see vanden plas :(
The intersection where center stage is located
Psycho left turn drivers in above said intersection
Madison grill for never having enough help…doesn’t anyone keep track of when the black shirts are in town?!?!?
Madison grill for running out of a1 steak sauce…at least they had Worcestershire sauce :)
How hard is it to spend a couple of bucks on locks for the stalls in the ladies room???
No threshold shirts (at least long sleeved ones)
Dreamscape shirts I ordered not in
The Granada for only having cookies in the lobby on weds…
CHEERS: Milton (AngraRules) for his extra gold badge !!!!!!!!
Thank you.

Anne Marie and Mark for trying to help me out during the weekend. ;)
Justin and Pat for the piggy back ride (?) and also for the Pizza.
Collen because she's so beautiful :p

Jeer: I'm getting sick now and had been losing my voice before PP ended. ;(
It's def. because of the smoke so I have to mention that again as if it's not stressed enough already. :lol:
Always happens to me! Damn cigarettes.
You truly have paid attention to your audience with choices like ... Elvenking ....I can't wait to see if my other pleas have been answered!

I agree with this. I was truely afraid he would never take a chance on Elvenking. I am absolutely flabbergasted and utterly THRILLED to know they're on the roster, so I know how you feel. It can't be said enough how completely AWESOME this makes me feel, and how happy I am to maybe have some small part in making people happy with getting them here, finally. It's a band I have believed in since 2001, and really think they're going to bring the house down.
Some others I forgot:

Cheers -
  • The guy who bought me water before the all-star jam so I wouldn't loose my spot. I know we chatted on Thursday and I forgot you're name because I'm a horrible forgetful person (I already jeered myself for this)
  • All the people I met from NYC who have attended many of the same shows as myself including the one guy who was probably directly next to me at Nightwish were the barricade fell. Again, I'm a horrible forgetful person so names escape me.

Jeers -
  • The 2 hour delay on my flight. At least part of it was spent on the plane so I passed out until about 20 min before we landed.

Madison grill for never having enough help…doesn’t anyone keep track of when the black shirts are in town?!?!?
Madison grill for running out of a1 steak sauce…at least they had Worcestershire sauce :)

ha ha ha....that happened to us last year. that restaurant sucks bad. terrible and overpriced....and no A1. =)
God I am still so frigging tired I can't see straight, and i wanted to add to the list here.


As this was the most awesome weekend I have ever experienced it is hard to remember all the people and things that made it great.
With that said

To Glenn and Cindy THANKS SO MUCH for everything, you are two of the most wonderful people i have the honor of calling friends.
Shane my brother enough said.
Colleen, Todd, Todd W. Milton Ian, Bobby, Don, Eric Darren, Adam, Rick, Rafael, Christian, Bryan, IA Bjorn, Chris, J-Dub, Coldie, Scott, Lance, Mary, Tommy, Abbey, Lara I love you guys you are in my heart forever.

Hoyt and Patrick, Paul I have to single you three out, your my brothers and my idols. Your guys are just the tops, it is so much fun hanging with you and just being ourselves.

To the stage crew, you guys are awesome, you make it work and make it work right. Don't forget Mike, we got plans.

You people made this Prog Power one to remember, and my daughter Mary remembers each and everyone of you and thanks for taking her into your hearts, that meant so much to me.


Not any worth mentioning, they were just annoyances. Shit happens