Cheers and Jeers Thread

And another because I only just opened my suitcase...

Jeer: The fuckers at the airport who searched my bag and ruined my setup so that the signed Sonata poster got crushed.
Are you referring to The Michael? I think I'm allergic to his hair. :lol:

Damn, I didn't know Kate was there. Normally, I'd never miss seeing someone that hot. ;)

If it is, it may very well be the same person we had issues with, as well as his younger looking buddy.

I also didn't know Kate was there, dang it!
If it is, it may very well be the same person we had issues with, as well as his younger looking buddy.

I also didn't know Kate was there, dang it!

No, I doubt it was him as we were all dancing with him during Pagan's set. I did notice a guy about 2 rows up in the seats standing and screaming his drunk ass off though.
- Glenn, Cindy (who I still didnt get to meet), Shane and the crew (to include everyone - bartenders, security guys, vendors) for making what must be a freaking chaotic scene run so smoothly.
- All the people I had met before & those I was "really" meeting for the first time - even though we may have conversed a few times in the past - I suck with names but love walking through the crowd, airport, restaurant and seeing someone I "recognize". The attendees are the "lifeblood" of the event (no disrespect to Glenn/crew/performers) - a classier, more fun gathering of metalheads just doesnt exist :rock:
- All the performers - even if I wasnt totally into every single band - they all racked.
- The breakfast at the Inn at the Peachtrees - not a whole lot of variety from day to day - but as it was often the main meal of the day, it helped :) Gotta give a shout out to the staff there - very friendly people. I told them to expect the whole place to be overtaken next year. Not a bad deal, standard hotel but way cheaper than some of the regular haunts.

Jeers -
None really, whole I would have liked to be able to pick up a Freak Kitchen shirt - I can order one.
The bank machine that ate my card is on my shitlist however.
Mother Nature for the flight delays getting back, but hey, it's better than splatting from 40,000 feet.
Me - for forgetting to wear a name tag (even though I brought a stack of them), and for not meeting everyone there. I did meet a few more of you this time around - by PPXX, I'll have met you all :)
Cheers, and see you all next year

-Primal Fear for giving Fighting the Darkness a wonderful debut
-Floor and Ralf's amazing duet on Who Wants to Live Forever
-Being able to slip in some food so I didn't have to pay 7 bucks for a weak burger
-Everyone for being so cool
-Bands autograph sessions
-To me for spending a total of $8 for parking (combined for both Friday and Saturday)
-The video package to close out the evening. I probably won't go to see any of those bands, but it did make me want to hear more about them
-The dude who I met in the VS autograph line who told me that Impulse Records in Roselle IL had not closed, but had actually moved. Next time I make it back to Chicago to visit my relatives, I'm definitely headed back there
-To relatively cheap merchandise


-To me for spending over$100 on the cheap merchandise
-To me for not bringing any Threshold material for them to autograph on Friday
-To the area for not having a fast food place within walking distance

After Forever charging 60 bucks for their hoodie. I was broke all weekend and that was the one piece of merch I'd buy no matter what. Guess wht? I didn't. They're one of my favorite bands ever, but that was absolutely ridiculous.
there's a Subway about a block away....

Yeah, but it doesn't stay open worth a damn, especially on Saturday (closes at 4).

Yes, that gives me an idea for another Jeers:

For the couple of places that are nearby that don't keep hours worth a damn. Subway closing at 4 on Saturday and Vespucci not even open on the weekend? WTF?
name said:
Crew members were among the crowd looking for digital cameras and a handful of people w/o VIP passes were caught using cameras were instructed to return their cameras to their car or hotel.

Yeah, I saw the guy in front of me using a digital camera to take still shots and occasional video samples during the After Forever show. So I told him to loose the camera or I would report him to security. His response was to say it was only for his personal use. At which point I told him I didn't care, he was "f#@king with Glenn" and I wouldn't have it. So he turned it off and then shortly thereafter headed for the floor with a friend.

If we don't stop these jerks, Glenn's only going to make it tighter. And the last thing I want to loose is the in-and-out privileges. Besides as a longtime GB holder I owe a lot to Glenn. If he sets the rules, we should not only abide by them but help enforce them.
Cheers - there are many but 2 stood out for me.
Glenn and the PP crew - Killer job as always!
Redemption - The dedication of Release to me and my family was quite touching. Cheers Nick!

Jeers - The Damien Wilson stripper fiasco. Not that it bothered me or anything, but it just felt out of place. Their on stage antics made it worse.

I would report him to security. His response was to say it was only for his personal use. At which point I told him I didn't care, he was "f#@king with Glenn" and I wouldn't have it.

I saw someone with a VIDEO CAMERA at PPVI and I turned them over right away. Didn't even warn them, it's pretty obvious it was not allowed, so why the hell even bring it?

My digital camera sat on the table at the hotel until the after parties.

I saw someone with a VIDEO CAMERA at PPVI and I turned them over right away. Didn't even warn them, it's pretty obvious it was not allowed, so why the hell even bring it?

I did that at the same show and was told it was probably somebody with one of the bands. Now, I don't bother.

*Of course Glenn and crew. You guys rock.
*The bands this year. IMO, the performances this year were consistently strong; amazingly so. The downside of that is I didn't spend as much time catching up with people as I would have liked.
*The same security guys who've been at the venue for years now. They're just cool.
*Stair Tapers
*The friends I got to see and talk to again. The friends I made this year.
*The Jam. It was damn fun.
*All the ProgPower fans. Where else can some drunk guy pass out on the couch, and the worst that happens to him is people take pictures with him?
*Ralf. What a genuinely nice guy.
*People who made me laugh to watch them enjoying the hell out of the bands because they didn't give a shit if they looked like loons.
*The Silver Skillet for serving a pretty damn good breakfast until 2pm!
*The weather, which was the best I remember it ever being for PP; not too hot, not rainy, no hurricanes, etc..
*The smokers who went outside even though nobody was forcing them to do so.

*The circumstances that kept VP from being there.
*The circumstances that kept Bear from being there. We needed one of those great parties.
*The Damn Hotels! $800 for 4 nights is insane!
*The smoke.
*The sound. The vocals were only audible in the higher registers. I thought they were consistently poor. I even took my earplugs out to make sure I wasn't losing the vocals to the earplugs. It helped, but not nearly enough.
*People who act like asses when they get drunk. If you're partying in the hallway of a hotel at 4am, it's not time to demonstrate your metal vocal abilities, or go pounding on some guy's door.
*Smokers who think that they have the right to smoke in people's hotel rooms or in the hallways of the hotels. I don't care if you smoke, just don't force other people to stink so you don't have to walk 50 feet. It's not like it was cold or raining outside.
*People who complained about technical problems. Did you actually figure out how many hours of music you got to experience this weekend?
*The asshole whom I saw spit on the carpet of the venue as if he were walking down the street. You're not as cool as you think you are.
*The jackass who, on Thursday night was yelling from the right side of the soundboard at the band playing stuff like, "Play <some song name> you cocksuckers!" Way to demonstrate how PP fans are the coolest around.
-That having been said though, the Jeers were really not that big a deal. I still had a friggin' blast, and can't wait for next year.
*Glenn, of course, for many reasons which have all been mentioned in this thread at some point, but mainly for pulling me up to the front at the end of Jon Oliva's set so that I could give him the portrait of Criss Oliva that I drew for him. Several touching moments followed after the show and it will be one of my most cherished memories.
*Karaoke. Dude, that was the best karaoke session ever.
*Jon O for having such kind words for me after I sang...of all the people I wanted that reaction from, to get it from my hero made the week right there. :notworthy
*Cellador as a whole for kicking ass and taking names, and Bill and Chris in particular for being very cool and (dare I say it) humble.
*Nick and Bobbie for their hospitality in the infamous 234. You both are just fantastic and I can't wait to do it again next year.
*Zak Stevens for being such a suprisingly devoted new, my fellow Piscean, are an absolute peach, and it'll be great to see you again.
*The huge mob of metalheads surging through the halls of the Grenada when the cops were called. That was a beautiful sight to behold. I was going the other way...but it was amazing nonetheless.
*Seeing so many friends from Perpetual Motion and MySpace.
*Meeting so many new people who are from this forum and subsequently finally signing on here...
*Norman and Christina! YAY!
*Primal Fear, Communic, and Firewind: The three I came to see, and you all kicked my ass!:kickass:
*The awesome brunette bartender at the big bar upstairs who advised me when she was running low on Stella. Bartenders who remember your drinks are A+++. LOVE THAT!
*The security guys who put up with all of us longhaired white devils and managed to have fun at it. They were all very sweet, very friendly, and downright chatty at times. That can really make or break a show right there, and they were awesome, especially the twins.
*The CD vendors for offering our Mindcage CD. Yay!
*Last but not least, D-man, for going this year even though times are rough, even though finances are short...thank you so much for making it happen, and making it very special. :tickled:

*ME, because I'm a dirty, filthy, foul, disgusting and inconsiderate smoker.:Smokedev:
In all seriousness, I had no idea it was allegedly a nonsmoking event. It never occured to me to go outside to smoke because of that, and the abundance of ashtrays led me to believe I could smoke to my heart's content. Since I live in CA, I take any opportunity I can get to smoke indoors...although as a smoker, even I have to admit it got incredibly thick in there, and I apologize to those who had to suffer through are a bunch of troopers though!
*However, on the subject of smoking, the bullshit about where you could and couldn't buy cigarettes and at what price and what kind, only to find that everyone was blowing smoke up everyone else's asses...
*The Madison. Good grief, what shitty food. I couldn't believe it. You'd think that they could at least manage to not fuck up something as simple as shrimp and grits, or fried chicken...never ever again will I eat there.
*Not neccessarily PPUSA-related, but US AIRWAYS. Do. Not. Ever. Fly. Them. Two days including an 8 hour layover just to get from Atlanta to Oakland??? You gotta be kidding me.
*Virgin Steele...but I think they've suffered enough wrath.
*That Asian-ish bartender with the little boobs in the uber-bra. She was just rude. Someone else put it point-blank and I couldn't agree more; if I wasn't so tired I would hunt it down and quote you.
*$8.00 per shot of vodka?!?!?! Good lord!
*Missing the corset photo by ten minutes...I had to eat so I took the damn thing off and then I hear behind me "Corset picture!" :erk:
*The stripper lady. That was dumb and lacking in class. Just because it's a metal show doesn't mean that we can't uphold some level of dignity. Hot chicks and metal will always go together, but it's better done by way of hot METALHEAD chicks who will kick ass with you in the front row and discuss over a drink afterwards, than by some vapid wobbling fool who was found at another event during a moment of drunken inspiration. Damien, you were just having fun and that's cool...but come on. You can do better than that.
*That little freakin' tiny-ass step at the bottom of the stairs outside at the venue. I must have tripped over that at least ten times. Dammit.
*And of course, it all ended way too soon.

Jeers aside, this was an awesome experience and next year is going to be just as great. Now all I have to do is figure out who is who on here, because I know I met a bunch of you...
ME= DIY Blind Guardian corset shirt, vertically-challenged redhead, sang "My Immortal" and "The Trooper" at karaoke. :wave:
$10 CIIC tshirts-they were gone fast,I got one for me and one for my wife
Zak talking football with me,hes fucking awesomely cool!
Ken at the LAserCD table...Sieges fuckin' Even!!!I fried $700 on cds this year.thats what happens when you quit buying online for a year.
Redemption for blowing me away
Primal Fear for the same...I was afraid they were gonna suck
Firewind for being awesome! Didn't matter who was singing

Saving seat motherfuckers.We went to get a beer Friday and left our bags in the seats,came back to no bags and some dude in our seat.When my wife headed towards where our stuff was she was told the seats in that area were being saved.I almost got in a scuffle with said asshole,lost our free merchandise to some theif,then watched the next 2 hours pass with him sitting alone with an empty chair on his right and on his left.Saturday,same thing...we stood in line for 2 hours to get in and get a good seat,walk in the venue and there are already two rows of seats being "held" by using beachtowels.If you can't get your drunken lazy ass to the venue you should not have a PRIMO seat when you finally do arrive...fuck you

Other than that,this show kicks my ass every year, and I will keep returning as long as it does.If Glen could figure out a fair way to dispense seats,and figure out a fair camera policy,this show would be like dying and going to heaven!
*That Asian-ish bartender with the little boobs in the uber-bra. She was just rude. Someone else put it point-blank and I couldn't agree more; if I wasn't so tired I would hunt it down and quote you.
*That little freakin' tiny-ass step at the bottom of the stairs outside at the venue. I must have tripped over that at least ten times. Dammit.

Glad I wasn't the only one! lol Seriously, that was tricky... and I only tripped on it sober. :p

Yeah, that bartender was a bitch. I figured after giving her a $4-5 tip for 2-3 drinks TWICE she'd be better, but nope. I started waiting for the other guy... which wasn't hard since she ignored me most of the time. :p

And let me add one more: I echo Lara's sentiments on the Granada... dude, I just spent $600 at your hotel (and left the room in great shape) and you can't even call me back within 2 days to let me know if you found my shit??? And whoever answers the phone is so unhelpfulk it's not funny. Fuckers.

*That Asian-ish bartender with the little boobs in the uber-bra. She was just rude.

Too right. She stood there picking her nails or something while people were lining up at the bar. So I didn't tip her, and avoided her after that.

(Ok, where I come from it is not normal to tip bar staff, but I have learned...)
Too right. She stood there picking her nails or something while people were lining up at the bar. So I didn't tip her, and avoided her after that.

(Ok, where I come from it is not normal to tip bar staff, but I have learned...)

really? first time i ever went to a bar (which was in Boston), my friends and i didn't know you were supposta tip as you went, and after the first round of drinks, we were completely ignored by the bartenders, until i finally managed to ask one of them for a round of shots and was told, "we don't serve people who don't tip"