CHEERS to the NEW...

Strangelight said:

Are You A Groupie? Or ...

You're at your favorite bands show. You see the lead singer ( your favorite ) hanging by the bar, what do you do?

Skip up there with a big stupid smile on your face, once you get there, are starstruck but manage to stutter " uhm, can you sign my uhm, arm?"

They aren't my favorite band, my friend just brought me along, but he is pretty hot ( and famous right? wasn't he on MTV?), I think I'll ask him to sign my boob, let me push them up first.

You see him surrounded by a flock of underage sheep with pigtails, so you run up there and pretend you don't know him and want his autograph badly. But you both know this is just code for where you guys are gonna meet tonight, because you've done the same thing the past 10 times his band played here.

Uhm, I could really give two shits. He has acne scars anyway. You can tell his fame has got to him. Fuck him, and his lame band.

I'd walk up there and push all those slutty groupies out of the way.

Before we even go any further, how old are you? Or how old do you say you are and are capable of getting away with it....

I don't lie about my age, I'm enough past legal, if that's your concern.

I'm uhm, 12, and a 9 months....

Oh yeah? thats cool.
I'm really 16, but I look 18 or over with my makeup, so why not lie?

I'm 17, I don't lie like those stupid groupie sluts.

To a usual show, what outfit would you sport?

Probably my spike bracelets and belt, a tank, oversized pants, and a big mean frown to all the girls there with preppy clothes on. Stupid girls.

My favorite bands shirt, the one thats playing tonight, and maybe some cute little ribbons to match. I'll definatly bring a marker for them to sign my shirt though, that's a must.

Uhm, I dunno. I'll wear what I usually wear. Or maybe I'll get dressed up. It depends. Not a big issue for me really though.

I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

spaghetti strap, or a tube top. My mavi jeans. I dunno, I'm not all into that " punk " thing. But I heard the drummer was hot and single.

After the show, where are you most likely to be found?

well, after I had the guys sign my boobs at the Merch table, they asked me to meet them by their bus...I wonder where it is though?

After we go to the liquor store, me and the boys will be headed back to the hotel,just the usual.

Uhm, I didn't get the bassist signature on my shirt, I want to try to find him, but my ride is picking me up at 11, its my curfew, gay.

I'll probably just go home, or maybe buy a drink at the bar. Whatever I'm feelin.

Fuck, I dunno. I'll have been in the mosh all night, all sweaty and smelly. I'll be tired. And all those stupid groupies will be in my way when I want to leave. Fuck them. I'm punk.

What is your role in the mosh?

I'll mosh, sometimes. But everyone once in awhile, I'll stand on the wings of the stage, cause the boys like to see a friendly face.

If I'm really feelin the music, I'll mosh. I secretely enjoy hitting the smaller children and knocking them over. But the rush the cluttering crowd gives you is also badass.

the mosh is my middle name, I'll fuck people up in there. Maybe I'll stab them with my spiked bracelets too.

I try to get to the very front of the stage so I can get really good pictures of the band. It sucks though people always fall on me and squish me. Oh well, anything for the badass band.

I don't want to get all sweaty and gross, thats disgusting. I need to look good for after the show...

Have you ever been backstage, or an afterparty of the sort?


uhm, yeah alot.

No! I wish!

Shut up.

Fuck that. Only groupies do that.

If a rockstar asked you to show him your tits, you would say...

"what tits? "

I would laugh at him for being such a complete moron, pat him on the head and say " see you after the show. "

"Your Mom?"

Only groupies do that.

" uhm okay, why not, I did it while you guys were playing anyway."

So, how'd you get his number?

I stole it while he was in the bathroom at the hotel. I just called my cell phone from his. I'm fucking sneaky and cool right?

He gave it to me about a year ago at one of their first shows here, why the fuck is it any of your buisness?

I wish.

Who's number? What?

Uhm, cool.

Your opinion on high heels at punk rock shows?

Oh, I love that band!!!

that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Only sluts wear heels.

Uhm, sure, whatever you wanna do. I don't really care.

I wear them sometimes, sometimes I wear chucks, it depends on how I'm feelin.

I always wear them, they make my legs like 20 times sexier and longer looking. Rockstars like them too.

Do you always have a sharpie with you?
Sometimes, cause the boys always lose them.

Duh, Thats an essential part of my outfit.

Nah, I always lose that shit anyway.

No, guys always seem to find them when I want my tits signed.

Fuck that, only groupies carry around sharpies. Sluts.

There is a " no re-entry " sign on the door at the club where the show is, but you need to go to your car, what do you do?

I don't need to go to my car. I'll just wait till the shows over. Only sluts go to their car.

Fuck it. Wasn't that important anyway.

Flirt with the door guy. He's fat, but oh well. I NEED to get to my car.

What car? My mom dropped me off.

I'll just go through the back...

Roadies: What are they to you?

They used to be my favorite band when I was little. I think. Right?

An easy way for groupies to get a backstage pass.

Uhm, People who set up the bands equipment for them...

my best friends.

An easy way to get a backstage pass.

How long do you usually wait in line outside before a show?

I usually go through the back, or before the show.

I dunno, I really don't pay attention. I guess I leave about half and hour before, since its 1/2 an hour or so away.

We've been camped out all night, so we can get in the very front when they open.

I don't usually get in line right away, I like to walk around and find out where the backstage area is.

It doesn't matter, I'll push through all the groupie sluts when the doors open anyway.
Me and Drynwhyl in icq talking about danny and thom yorke. i tell her that danny said he would be ashamed to play the old songs in front of thom yorke and she says:
is he a thom yorke groupie or what?