will not be around for like 10 days..

will not be around for like 10 minutes... going to the toilet right now :lol:
Filthy Sanchez said:
Hey mates i will not be around for like a week or 10 days.. Will be hearing what's going on from Don or Best. Hope to come back as soon as possible..

cheers :wave:
Wait a minute.. Who are you?
i just came back from the toilet, a big one :D
siderea said:
so how was your day? i'm off at 23h, there's a new series of this funny show on tele then.

my day was alright. did you get to watch that 'pride & prejudice' episode?
well i even borrowed a dvd player & dragged it with me on train trams and bikes, but all tele's in the neighbourhood are too old to use it. so no, i haven't yet seen the last 2 episodes yet, i hope next week brings me better luck.

ps: there were 2 chocolate hearts in the box of chocolates.

ps 2: bastet, darcy is mine.