studio report

pagan2002 said:
we are mixing now and i think it sounds good. i feel that this album will be popular with the fans. its the kind of thing they (and i) like. and also, i can stand by it because its based on real shit. not a word of a lie on it. ok its not really everything we represent, but its an album that means something and is about something and the tunes are good and the songs are good.

:hotjump: but as said: not really everything we represent? hmm, which album did? i guess Alt4 got close?

and its proper doom

oh yyyess.. proper dooms back.
pagan2002 said:
its an album that means something and is about
something and the tunes are good and the songs are good.
u gave us some background info on the AFDTE songs before, could you
do it again on this one mate? i wonder...

u lads got older, experience(d) stuff from a different point of view and
(hopefully) grew emotionally. is it a retrospective album (as all probably
are), in the sense of looking in back what happened all those years,
or is it mostly forward looking? perhaps u want to rename it to
Here & Scouse :tickled:
Any news on the definate title yet?

christ i must sound udderly curious... sorry mate, cant wate
Which arm? Under anaesthetic, or farmer-style? Would you keep it afterwards, preserved in frog death juice, or?
Light said:
Which arm? Under anaesthetic, or farmer-style? Would you keep it afterwards, preserved in frog death juice, or?

hmmmmmmmm, my left arm maybe... and I don't care if under anesthetic or farmer style... if I just get it (the album)
I would love to keep it afterwards.... I would give it as a gift to the person which hands me the album