Chicago Show Review


True Believer
Jan 13, 2003
Chicago IL
It was a fucking blast, but of course there were some dissapointments in store.

-I got there at about 2:45. While waiting for the gates to open, I hear a few quick cheers from the people next to me ( there were only like 10 of us there or so) and I see Chuck walking by. I just shouted out " Hey, Chuck!", and he kind of smiled but took off across the street to the hotel, he seemed to be in a hurry.

-There were still only about 40-50 people when Pain Museum started. They were okay at best, kind of a thrash/death mix. Only about 3 or 4 songs.

-More people started showing up and Carnal Forge started. Better than Pain Museum, a solid band. Yet again, only about 4 songs.

-Behemoth, Chicago's replacement for Amon Amarth came out , and the energy and feeling of the band was there, but the sound just lacked. Decent at best.

-Primal Fear came out, with a very unintentionally funny lead singer, but that what was fun about the performance. Seemed pretty good, maybe I should check them out.

-Immortal was next, and people were just going insane. Finally some pits start to show up! An intense and exciting performance.

Now, I am 15 so I have never seen Testament before, so I was pacing back and forth, screaming TESTAMENT in pure excitement. The lights turn off and I go insane! I'm expecting Eerie but instead I get the usual D.N.R ( Ha, good job on letting them know Deadly Embrace, just kidding!) It was intense as hell. After Down For life, Chuck asked for some old shit, and like he did at thrashfest, eric " whispered" something to him and of course they went into Low. Now it's obvious that this is just an act to get the fans going, but it's funny as hell. They then went into Burnt Offerings, which sounded great, but ended early. Chuck said there were some servere technical difficulties, and it turned out Eric's amp broke! So there we all were standing there for ten minutes without any music, and with Chuck just on stage cracking jokes. ( This was awesome but WHY is HOB so strict with times? They could have been nice and'll see). Then, Chuck took out a Heineken, but then he looks way onto the left balcony and says " Hmm, or even better, how about smokin a joint?!". The guy on the balcony tried throwing it on the stage, but missed! After trying again, this guy yet again missed. Finally , he threw a full one, and it landed on the stage. Chuck then grabbed the joint, took a hit, and after exhaling just slowly saying " Yeahhhhhhhhhh". It was quite funny. Testament's set had to be unfairly reduced, so we only got a few more songs! Here was the set:

Down For Life
Burnt Offerings
True Believer
3 Days of Darkness
Over the Wall
Disciples of the Watch

After this, Halford came out and put on an awesome show, playing priest classics like Electric Eye and Painkiller.

I truly enjoyed myself, I really had a blast, but the whole set list problem with Testament just sucked. I was really looking foward to hearing Trial by Fire, Into the Pit , and Dog Faced Gods. Like I said , Testament was awesome live and intense as hell, and seeing them in Chicago was great and I am by no means taking it for granted, but I really wish they just went on a headlining tour instead. There are just too many good testament songs that should be played live, and having only ten-twelve songs ( eight for me!) is just way too small in length. I overheard so many fans complaining about the set. Overall though, still a really fun time.
Yeah, it was a pisser having a reduced set. It's (I think) the 10th time I've seen them so it wasn't as bad for me as you but it still sucks. They played well enough when they played though and seemed to be having a great time (apart from Eric's amp problem).
But what about all the nu-metal shit between bands ? What the hell's that about ?
Thanks for the review Brent. Good review. Sorry you had the bad luck @ that show. TL is right, these things sometimes just happen. I remember several years back @ the Whiskey in Los Angeles in 1999, Testament was due to go on around 11:30pm but wound up going on @ 1AM IN MORNING because of the same exact thing you just said, "Eric's amp was fucked up" , those were the exact words Chuck used to describe the reason they went on so late , and appologized to the crowd that night. They of course had to shorten the set way down because it was extremely late/early. I remember feeling similar to how you felt but you just wait for the next time they roll through your city and hope it's a better show.
Why the heck are they opening with DNR (again)????? Hmmmmmm.....

Sorry to hear about the problems Brent...that sux! One thing about Testament..they always deliver live. I think they are truely one of the best live bands out there.

Dang..I really hope they open with Eerie on the west has sentimental meaning to me:Spin: and will definitely take me back...
I hope they do open with Eerie as well , but that sucks that they're not already doing it. I guess they didn't have time to have Tempesta and Smyth learn and rehearse the song. We can only hope for the best here on the West Coast MI .......