Children Of Bodom at the German Bang Your Head

Hmmm, which date in june is it????
maybe someone wrote it somewhere but I didnt see it.... :)
Yeah, your idea kicks ass, maili!!!!! (i'll continue writing english if somebody in here doesn't speak the wonderful german language... *uargh*) The official BYH-(girls)Camp (But I really wanna meet you once, Zarok! have to see the guy who probably has the most bodom-merchandise-stuff!:-)) I know 2 really good friends of mine (girls!) who are going to BYH, too, so we're ... 6 I think right now.. :-)
Yeah right, start a camp with people you met online :) I've been to the GiMiX Metal Circle Camp ( past two years, 'coz I don't know any people who listen to metal near me.

I won't be at the Summerbreeze, unless there are some kickass bands that don't play in Wacken, because:

munich <------------------------------------------------>me<-------> wacken
munich <---> summer breeze
nene, maili, besteh mal lieber das Abi und fahr dann nach finnland! ist glaub ich auf dauer gesehen intelligenter! :-) außerdem is ja noch wacken und summer breeze für dich möglich, oder?
im definatly going to a fucking foreign festival in the summer summerbreeze looks pretty good last year so does wacken so i'll just have to see and try and persaude my friends to come to a foreign country to see bands they dont know :D
Maili Björklund said:
It's 25.+26. of June. :(
okiiis,thanks :)

Well im off school then and If im not in finland working at that time maybe I can go, who knows. ... but its a couple of months left still so I definitly wont plan anything:p Still if i did, I'd love to meet some people from here.. :)