Children of Bodom w/ Amon Amarth.. who's going!?

I am moderatley displeased that they won't be in philly, guess it's another chinatown bus to NYC for me. Why are their US dates so inconsistent, anyway?
I remember years ago, the zoo had to put up big plexiglass windows around the Gorilla exhibit because they kept flinging shit at tourists. that's pretty awesome. There's also a bunch of museums in Balboa Park near downtown, and the Wild Animal Park, which is a little ways north of town, I think.
I was under impression that you were coming as well? Zoo, I may have to skip as I will only have several hours in SD itself, but one never knows.

I have a mini Zoo in my backyard with all the deers, owls, armadilos, eagles or something and some aligators ;)

For the record, I am very envious! SD is a really cool place. As stupid as it sounds, the zoo is worth a visit. / T.
Doesn't look like I'll get to go, mostly because we can't get the time off. That may change, though, but we won't know until last minute.
Thanks, but I got an acapella performance this summer, and it just is not the same without the synchronized hair-flinging and all that...
Im gonna be there on December 4th, Dallas,TX
I'm hoping AA gets a lot of playing time, as they are the best band there by far.
wish i could go, flight from sydney => anywhere in us is out of my price range. im hoping to get married in holland in the next 2 years or so, and im going to time it for all the EU festivals and plan to attend atleast 2 AA gigs. Who knows, maybe they will come down to sydney (hahahahaha right). Opeth treck down from sweeden yearly, would rock if AA came too, opeth could be the support.